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DND 5E Potions Home...
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DND 5E Potions Homebrew

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Potions Homebrew


As one use items are silly overpriced in 5E, let's borrow much of the System from 3rd for pricing.   Since its consider 3.75, we can borrow most of the SRD used for Pathfinder.   What we'll be doing is considering Potions to be a type of magic that can be used by any user.

Instead of the base potion price, we'll use the scroll math, with the universal amount being 50 gold instead of the 25 gold used by the scroll tables.    


Spell Level
Cantrip - 25 gp       half standard cost
1st - 50 gp             1x1x50 = 50 Gold
2nd - 300 gp          3x2x50 = 300 Gold
3rd - 750 gp           5x3x50 = 750 Gold
4th - 1,400 gp        7x4x50 = 1,400 Gold
5th - 2,500 gp        9x5x50 =  2,500 Gold
6th - 3,300 gp        11x6x50 = 3,300 Gold
7th - 4,550 gp        13x7x25 = 4,550 Gold
8th - 6,000 gp        15x8x50 = 6,000 Gold
9th - 7,650 gp        17x9x50 = 7,650  Gold


These are the selling prices.   This will serve as the base for calculating the time to create each item.   That said, the actual cost is half the selling price.  Remember, only one magic project may be worked on per day.


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Spell Level

Cantrip - 25 gp     half standard cost           Default Level to Create based on DMG 129 if original recipe not known
1st - 50 gp           1x1x50 = 50 Gold
2nd - 300 gp        3x2x50 = 300 Gold         Common Magic Item Rarity (3rd), Uncommon Magic Item Rarity (3rd)
3rd - 750 gp         5x3x50 = 750 Gold         6th level maker, Rare Magic Item Rarity (6th)

4th - 1,400 gp      7x4x50 = 1,400 Gold     
5th - 2,500 gp      9x5x50 =  2,500 Gold
6th - 3,300 gp     11x6x50 = 3,300 Gold     Very Rare, Magic Item Rarity (11th)

7th - 4,550 gp     13x7x25 = 4,550 Gold
8th - 6,000 gp     15x8x50 = 6,000 Gold
9th - 7,650 gp     17x9x50 = 7,650  Gold     Legendary, Magic Item Rarity (17th)


A cauldron may be used to create up to 100 doses at the same time for up to 100 times the normal cost.

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Basic SRD Potions



GiantStrength ScoreRarityCostAppearance
Hill giant20Uncommon300 gpMuddy, gray
Frost giant22Rare900 gpTransparent, viscous
Stone giant23Rare900 gpSilver, shimmering
Fire giant25Rare900 gpOrange, volatile
Cloud giant27Very rare3,300 gpOpaque white
Storm giant29Legendary7,650 gpSwirling black


Table: Potions of Healing

PotionRarityHit PointsCostHealing Spell Level
HealingCommon2d4+250 gp1st
Greater healingUncommon4d4+4300 gp2nd
Superior healingRare8d4+81,400 gp4th
Supreme healingRare10d4+202,500 gp5th
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Potions may include other 1 use items that most would consider other categories of magic traditionally.  It's ok if the item has multiple doses, as potions may have the same.




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Mixing more than one potion per hour can be dangerous.   Consult the table below if someone does.   

The same potion from the same batch will never have a mixture problem.   For example, multiple healing potions from the same caldron mix, can be drunk one after the other, until the user is literally full.

Because of the 1 in 100 chance of a Discovery, some mages do try to find the mixtures of exact formulas to do so reliably.  This normally results in many dead test subjects.   

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It should be noted that potions do not have to be the typical liquid you think of.   With a successful Arcana or Religion check equal to the original difficulty, they may take other forms.

Items that can be smoked

Vitamins or Pills

 Chocolates or other candies


Alcoholic beverages


or any other item that can be applied or consumed

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Potion from AD&D 1st Edition:

Diminution:  This potion allows the individual and all that he or she carries and wears to shrink to up to 5% of their normal size (player or NPC choice if they know the effect and are successful with an Arcana or Religion check at difficulty 10).   This potion normally lasts for 6 turns plus 2-5 turns (1d4+1).    The standard version costs 50 Gold.

There are more expensive version that increase the size control duration.  

A second level version can last 6 minutes plus 2-5 minutes (1d4+1).  This version costs 300 Gold.

A third level level version can last 6 hours plus 2-5 hours (1d4+1).  This version costs 750 Gold.

A fourth level level version can last 6 days plus 2-5 days (1d4+1).  This version costs 1,400 Gold.

A fifth level level version can last 6 weeks plus 2-5 weeks (1d4+1).  This version costs 2,500 Gold.

A sixth level version can last 6 months plus 2-5 months (1d4+1).  This version costs 3,300 Gold.

A seventh level version can last 6 years plus 2-5 years (1d4+1).  This version costs 4,550 Gold.

An eighth level version can last 6 decades plus 2-5 decades (1d4+1).  This version costs 6,000 Gold.

A ninth level version can last 6 centuries plus 2-5 centuries (1d4+1).  This version costs 7,650 Gold.


Titans and Giants have been known to use such potions to scout out enemy territory unnoticed.   Many other large beings have been known to do so as well. 

Drinking more than one dose of this only increases duration, if it is the same recipe.  Different recipes count as combining potions, so see the reaction table above.

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Potion from AD&D 1st Edition:


Growth: This potion causes the person consuming it to enlarge in both height and weight, his or her garments and other carried gear also grow in size.   Strength is increased sufficiently to allow bearing of armor and weapons, but does not add to combat.  Movement increases to that of a giant of approximately equal size.   Each quarter of a dose of potion causes 6' of growth (an eight would be 3', etc).  The full dose would increase height by 24 feet.  This potion normally lasts for 6 turns plus 2-5 turns (1d4+1).    The standard version costs 50 Gold.

There are more expensive version that increase the size control duration.  

A second level version can last 6 minutes plus 2-5 minutes (1d4+1).  This version costs 300 Gold.

A third level level version can last 6 hours plus 2-5 hours (1d4+1).  This version costs 750 Gold.

A fourth level level version can last 6 days plus 2-5 days (1d4+1).  This version costs 1,400 Gold.

A fifth level level version can last 6 weeks plus 2-5 weeks (1d4+1).  This version costs 2,500 Gold.

A sixth level version can last 6 months plus 2-5 months (1d4+1).  This version costs 3,300 Gold.

A seventh level version can last 6 years plus 2-5 years (1d4+1).  This version costs 4,550 Gold.

An eighth level version can last 6 decades plus 2-5 decades (1d4+1).  This version costs 6,000 Gold.

A ninth level version can last 6 centuries plus 2-5 centuries (1d4+1).  This version costs 7,650 Gold.


Pixies and other tiny Fae have been known to use such potions to scout out enemy territory unnoticed.   Many other small beings have been known to do so as well. 

Drinking more than one dose of this only increases duration, if it is the same recipe.  Different recipes count as combining potions, so see the reaction table above.

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Potion from AD&D 1st Edition:


Dragon Control: This potion enables the individual drinking it to cast what is in effect a Dominate Monster spell upon any Dragon within 6 feet.  The Dragon is entitled to a wisdom saving throw at disadvantage against difficulty 20.  The Dragon may not use any power, magic or feat to automatically beat this roll.  There are various sorts of Dragon control potions, as shown below (d20).   

1-2      White Dragon Control

2-4      Black Dragon Control

5-7      Green Dragon Control

8-9      Blue Dragon Control

10        Red Dragon Control

11-12   Brass Dragon Control

13-14   Copper Dragon Control

15        Bronze Dragon Control

16        Silver Dragon Control

17        Gold Dragon Control

18-19   Chromatic Dragon Control (Black, Blue, Green, Red or White)

20        Metallic Dragon Control (Brass, Bronze, Copper, Silver or Gold)


The Potion's Telepathic Control lasts for 5-20 (5d4) rounds.  Under virtually any conceivable situation, a Dragon who has been so charmed will be highly upset for being so treated.

This potion costs 7,650 Gold.   It is possible that more than one Dragon may be so charmed in the 5-20 rounds it lasts.

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Potion from AD&D 1st Edition:

Giant Control: This potion enables the individual drinking it to cast what is in effect a Dominate Monster spell upon any dragon within 6 feet.  The Giant is entitled to a wisdom saving throw at disadvantage against difficulty 20.  The Giant may not use any power, magic or feat to automatically beat this roll.  There are various sorts of Giant control potions, as shown below (d20).   

1-5      Hill Giant

6-9      Stone Giant 

19-13  Frost Giant

14-17  Fire Giant

18-19  Cloud Giant

20       Storm Giant

The Potion's Telepathic Control lasts for 5-30 rounds (5d6).  Under virtually any conceivable situation, a giant who has been so charmed will be highly upset for being so treated.

This potion costs 7,650 Gold.   It is possible that more than one giant may be so charmed in the 5-30 rounds it lasts.

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