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Dungeons and Dragons 5E Skills and Tools

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Let's start by listing the skills with their corresponding attributes.  Please keep in mind, I fully support variant skills with different abilities or a skill being more than one attribute.  So, in any single situation, if a player can give a good reason why a skill might be focused on a different attribute, I'll likely not only grant it but may reward the player with advantage on the check or even an inspiration.  That said, if players abuse this good will or attempt to rules lawyer this in what the DM thinks is ridiculous ways, then it will not be granted and the check will automatically be at disadvantage.
If you ever played Mage the Ascension, the best way to describe this process is explain to me why it should work coincidentally, with advantage being granted for good phrasing and reasoning.  If as a magically process it was likely going to be vulgar and induce paradox, in that game as a magical process, disadvantage is likely coming your way.
Here are the 18 cannon skills and their corresponding attributes.
Strength (1) - Athletics
Intelligence (5)- Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, Religion
Wisdom (5) - Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, Perception, Survival
Dexterity (3)- Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Stealth
Constitution - NA
Charisma (4) - Deception, Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion
Passive: as noted this is your proficiency plus your attribute, plus ten.  Advantage will add +5.  Disadvantage would add -5.  In scenarios where the openly known difficulty is lower, the character can auto succeed as a time saver.  That said, a DM may always ask for a roll, as a high passive anything is only meant as a time saving tool rather than a means to remove any chance of failure in the game.
Working together: Two or more characters with the same proficiencies may work together for an advantage on the best possible skill.  This will only apply in situations where another person can actually help.
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In this homebrew, player characters, non-player characters, beasts, and monsters all have skills.  This normally works from two sources. 
First, too add depth to the basic material, everything has a background.  Even if it is just a beast or monster, they have a default non player character background.  For players and humanoid non player characters, this normally adds 2 skills and a tool.  For beasts and monsters, it adds the following skills: Athletics (Strength), Insight (Wisdom), and Perception (Wisdom). 
Second, players and some non-player characters receive at least two skills from their class.  Non player characters without a class are given a base 3 skills which can be spent on skills or tools as seen fit.  For beasts and monsters, it adds the following skills: Intimidation (Charisma), Stealth (Dexterity), and Survival (Wisdom).
This means all player characters, non-player characters, beasts, and monsters in the game has access to at least 4 skills.  As a matter of homebrew default beasts and monsters possess: Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Stealth, and Survival.
Note 1: As a matter of homebrew default, all characters and creatures are limited to a total of ten skills.  They are also limited to a total of ten tools.  The skilled feat may be taken multiple times up to this combined limit of 20.  No one will be an expert in everything and there are only 18 skills total in the game.
Note 2: Any skill or tool may be switched with 1 month of training.  Like my own three years of high school Spanish, the old skill or tool proficiency will simply be forgotten in favor of what you are actually using.  Characters may go through one such transaction at a time.
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Tools - These will follow these rule set:
1. It is my ruling that proficiency in a tool renders a proficiency bonus and may use a reasoned attribute bonus.  This opposes the opinion of WOTC game designers likes of Chris Perkins in their recorded games.  It's my ruling that the equivalent of a skill shall be given an equal bonus. 
2. At creation, a player has the option of switch any skill for a tool or any tool for a skill.  This is regardless of whether it comes from a background or a profession.
3. Tools of similar professions may be used at a halved proficiency bonus.  So, a guitar player can play a different string instrument based on their knowledge of their string instrument, rules listed under performance.  A chariot driver can understand the basics of a western wagon or a horse drawn taxi coach, but they will not be as skilled at driving it.  A blacksmith might know the basics of blade making or repair, but they won't be as good at it as a weapon-smith.
4. Tools proficiencies tend to grant basic work ability.  They are the threshold of a type of skilled labor.  If something is going to have an artist flare or be masterwork in quality, it must be combined with a second performance roll to see added value.
5. Some tool proficiencies may grant advanced abilities when combined with certain skills.  It should be noted that some of the natural functional uses these skills and tools may be implied in abilities based of certain demi human or monsters races.  They may be able to use limited abilities without the other specific prerequisites normally involved, if this is in writing.
6. Vehicles are tools that can be used for the speed rules:
7. Games are also a tool set and reflect professional ability in a popular game.  A word class poker player is not necessarily good at chess.  This is an Specific game versus Specific game check.  If the target does not have the specific game tool proficiency, a character with the specific game tool proficiency rolls with advantage, while the target rolls with disadvantage.  Bards and Rogues can choose these skills for the doubled proficiency.  Professional gamblers tend to be Rogues with a Reliable Talent in that game.  *Note: gaming and gambling games are designed not to give the family bonus of other tools, they are made to give the proficient an unfair advantage over those not initiated.*
8. My campaign will use tools as the profession sets of old.  Skilled players may use any of these, in the course of a 40 hour week, to make 1d20 gold pieces per week working in any downtime period (the roll should use proficiency bonus, the most relevant attribute bonus, luck magic bonuses (i.e. luckstones), and those with performance may double the results of their roll plus the sum of the bonuses.  Characters that have a different skill other than their performance that make a good case for the same result may also double their roll result as if they had performance).  Please note very specific jobs from npc clients may automatically yield much higher results than this default function of income.
I will not list examples that would use a building or large vehicle as the tools such as: Innkeepers, Millers, Sailors, Stablemasters, or others.  Here are just a few examples:
    -Accounting tools
    -Alchemy tools [advanced usage requires Investigation]
    -Architect tools           
    -Armorsmith tools
    -Astrogation tools (spelljammer) [advanced usage requires Investigation]   
    -Baker's tools (cooking family)   
    -Blacksmith tools
    -Bookbinder (Scribe) tools
    -Butcher's tools (cooking family)
    -Brewer's tools (cooking family)
    -Card set (specific gambling games)

    -Carpentry tools
    -Cheesemaker's tools (cooking family)
    -Chess set (specific game)
    -Cobbling tool (boots and shoes)
    -Cooking tools
    -Courtesan clothing, kit, and national license (guild or social standing)(this can be male or female Geisha professional equivalent [legal high price escort])

    -Dice set (specific gambling games)
    -Disguise kit (used in acting and stage performance; also used in spying)  https://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/disguise
    -Dungeoneering kit [advanced usage requires Investigation]
    -Engineering tools [advanced usage requires Investigation]
    -Farmer's tools
    -Fisherman's tools
    -Glassblowing tools
    -Gunsmith tools
    -Healer's kit (medical family) (think first aid kit)
    -Herbalism tools (medical family)
    -Jeweler's tools
    -Lawyer (Barrister) books and national license
    -Leatherworking tools
    -Locksmith tools (Thieves tools)  https://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/disable-device
    -Masonry tools
    -Midwife tools and kit (medical family)(baby delivery )
    -Miller's tools  (normally a stationary grinding wheel)
    -Miner's tools
    -Musical Instrument (specific)
    -Naval Architect tools
    -Navigation tools [advanced usage requires Investigation]
    -Plumber's tools
    -Porter's wagon (shipping) (vehicle family)
    -Roulette Wheel (specific gambling game)
    -Shipwright tools
    -Silversmith tools
    -Surgeon's kit (medical family) (requires the medicine skill not to kill the patient)  https://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/heal

    -Stage magicians props [advanced usage requires Sleight of Hand]
    -Tailoring tools
    -Taxi couch (horse drawn) (vehicle family)
    -Thieves tools (Locksmith's tools)    https://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/disable-device
    -Tinker's kit  (commonly used for wind up watches and toys)
    -Trapper's tools  [advanced usage requires Survival]
    -Vehicle (any) may include specific ship classes, even spelljammers
    -Weaponsmith tools
    -Woodcutter's tools
9.  In a contest of professions, this is an specific tool versus specific tool check.  If the target does not have the specific tool proficiency, a character with the specific tool proficiency with advantage, while the target rolls with disadvantage.  Bards and Rogues can choose these specific tool proficiency for the doubled proficiency skill.  In the words of Lincoln, speaking of those without the professional ability, "a man acting as his own lawyer has a fool for a client".
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Complex Skill Breakdowns:
Due to the growing complexity of various rulings and Homebrew rules, I wanted to start expanding the record here for easier access.  This will contain some copies, but will also contain links to other homebrew items and references that are worth keeping in an easy access format.  Perhaps a break into natural versus with skill only abilities:
1. Acrobatics (Dexterity)
Corresponding 1st and 2nd edition thief abilities: Climb Walls
*This skills includes jumping rules: https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/3e_SRD:Jump_Skill

Jump (Str; Armor Check Penalty)


The character jumps a minimum distance plus an additional distance depending on the amount by which the character's Jump check result exceeds 10. The maximum distance of any jump is a function of the character's height.

Type of JumpMinimum DistanceAdditional DistanceMaximum Distance
Running jump*5 ft.+1 ft./1 point above 10Height X 6
Standing jump3 ft.+1 ft./2 points above 10Height X 2
Running2 ft.+1 ft./4 points above 10Height X 1 1/2
high jump* Standing2 ft.+1 ft./8 points above 10Height
high jump Jump back1 ft.+1 ft./8 points above 10Height

*The character must move 20 feet before jumping. A character can't take a running jump in heavy armor. The distances listed are for characters with speeds of 30 feet. If the character has a lower speed (from armor, encumbrance, or weight carried, for instance), reduce the distance jumped proportionally. If the character has a higher speed (because the character is a barbarian or an experienced monk, for instance), increase the distance jumped proportionally.

Distance moved by jumping is counted against maximum movement in a round normally.

If the character intentionally jumps down from a height, the character might take less damage than if the character just fell. If the character succeeds at a Jump check (DC 15), the character takes damage as if the character had fallen 10 feet less than the character actually did.

*This skill is used for the speed rules
*Tight rope walking and trapeze artists use this skill for their circus acts.  Batman uses this skill to swing building to building.  https://retroroleplaying.com/2013/08/dd-skills-tightrope-walking-and-the-cirque-du-soleil-the-real-problem-isnt-the-math/
*This skill is use to perform tumbles and other acrobatics.  This can be used to fall certain distances without taking damage.  Cliff diving is a use of this skill.  This may not be accomplished unskilled.    https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Tumble_Skill

Jumping and Falling

Finally, you can use the Acrobatics skill to make jumps or to soften a fall. The base DC to make a jump is equal to the distance to be crossed (if horizontal) or four times the height to be reached (if vertical). These DCs double if you do not have at least 10 feet of space to get a running start. The only Acrobatics modifiers that apply are those concerning the surface you are jumping from. If you fail this check by 4 or less, you can attempt a DC 20 Reflex save to grab hold of the other side after having missed the jump. If you fail by 5 or more, you fail to make the jump and fall (or land prone, in the case of a vertical jump).

Table: Acrobatics DC’s for Long Jumps
Long JumpAcrobatics DC
5 feet5
10 feet10
15 feet15
20 feet20
Greater than 20 feet+5 per 5 feet

Table: Acrobatics DC’s for High Jumps
High JumpAcrobatics DC
1 foot4
2 feet8
3 feet12
4 feet16
Greater than 4 feet+4 per foot

Table: Diving.

Table: Diving
Safe Depth
Damage for
Failed Dive
10 ft.10 ft.15None
20 ft.10 ft.15None
30 ft.10 ft.151d3 nonlethal
40 ft.20 ft.152d3 nonlethal
50 ft.20 ft.202d3 nonlethal +1d6
60 ft.20 ft.202d3 nonlethal + 2d6
70 ft.30 ft.202d3 nonlethal + 3d6
80 ft.30 ft.202d3 nonlethal + 4d6
90 ft.30 ft.202d3 nonlethal + 5d6
100 ft.30 ft.202d3 nonlethal + 6d6
110 ft.30 ft.252d3 nonlethal + 7d6
120 ft.30 ft.252d3 nonlethal + 8d6
160 ft.30 ft.302d3 nonlethal + 12d6
210 ft.30 ft.352d3 nonlethal + 17d6
240 ft.30 ft.352d3 nonlethal + 20d6*

*Maximum falling damage.

*A character grappling another with acrobatics or athletics does so with advantage.  The target without acrobatics or athletics checks at disadvantage.
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2. Animal Handling (Wisdom)
*The character can know anything listed in the beast homebrew on a successful roll:
*May be used to befriend an animal.  Domestic breeds may be befriended without this skill, wild animals may not.  This skill requires one successful check per attitude shift in the animal.
*May be used to ride a large animal.  Trained mounts may be ridden at a basic level  without this skill, untrained mounts may not.  Advanced riding is not possible without this skill.  This it is not possible to go faster than double normal speed, get the mount to jump, or other advanced riding maneuvers.  https://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/ride
*May be used to bypass guard animals, even trained ones.  This will require one successful check per animal bypassed.
*This skill is used for the speed rules
*May be used to train guard animals.  This can be domestic dogs, wild lions, or even dinosaurs.  This may not be attempted by those without this skill.  This is a skilled labor profession.  https://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/handle-animal
*May be used to train mounts.  This may not be attempted by those without this skill.  This is a skilled labor profession.  https://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/handle-animal
*May be used to control a total amount of otherwise wild animals equal to the character's Charisma or Wisdom bonus, whichever is greater.  These can in effect be part of the follower / henchmen system, but this is more envisioned as a scene to scene ability in normal use.  This could be literally keeping a wild wolf pack from attacking you.
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3. Arcana (Intelligence)
also: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/spellcraft   (minor sample of page in the form of the table)
Table: Spellcraft DCs
TaskSpellcraft DC
Identify a spell as it is being cast15 + spell level
Learn a spell from a spellbook or scroll15 + spell level
Prepare a spell from a borrowed spellbook15 + spell level
Identify the properties of a magic item using detect magic15 + item’s caster level
Decipher a scroll20 + spell level
Craft a magic itemVaries by item
*You are aware of the homebrew rules for Magic spells on a successful roll (Rule 11): https://haunt2003.com/index.php/community/5e-dd-homebrew/dungeons-and-dragons-5e-homebrew/paged/2/
*This skill is used for specific Arcane magic items for the speed rules:
*When combined with History this skill can be used to identify unique Arcane magic items, this is beyond the identify spell
*You are aware of the homebrew rules for Magic items on a successful roll:
*You are aware of the homebrew rules for making Intelligent Magic items on a successful roll:
*You are aware of the homebrew rules for Realmspace and Spelljammer on a successful roll:
*You are aware of the Aberrations, their weaknesses, and the Far Realm on a successful roll:
*You are aware of Constructs homebrew on a successful roll:
*You are Elemental Planes and their residents on a successful roll:
*You are aware of the Monstrosities and their weaknesses on a successful roll:
When combined with Magic Initiate Feat or Ritualist Feat for a specific class, this can allow characters without a class to use Arcane items from that Arcane class, with a difficulty roll.  This will correspond to the level of the effect attempted.  With most Arcane magic items the check only applies until it is used successfully for the first time.  From that point forward, the character may use the specific item power at any time.  In most cases a failed attempt, simply fails, without catastrophic consequence.
Arcane scrolls and Arcane single use items must be checked for each time the use is attempted.  The difficulties corresponding to the level are listed below.
Cantrip -     Difficulty 3.      In the case of scrolls, Cantrips can only mishap on a natural "1".
1st -         Difficulty 6.      In the case of scrolls, 1st level spells can only mishap on a natural "1".
2nd -         Difficulty 9.    In the case of scrolls, 2nd level spells can mishap on a natural "1" or a modified 2-4.
3rd -         Difficulty 12.    In the case of scrolls, 3rd level spells can only mishap on a natural "1" or a modified 2-7.
4th -         Difficulty 15.    In the case of scrolls, 4th level spells can only mishap on a natural "1" or a modified 2-10.
5th -         Difficulty 18.     In the case of scrolls, 5th level spells can only mishap on a natural "1" or a modified 2-13.
6th -         Difficulty 21.    In the case of scrolls, 6th level spells can only mishap on a natural "1" or a modified 2-16.
7th -         Difficulty 24.    In the case of scrolls, 7th level spells can only mishap on a natural "1" or a modified 2-19.
8th -         Difficulty 27.    In the case of scrolls, 8th level spells can only mishap on a natural "1" or a modified 2-21.
9th -          Difficulty 30.    In the case of scrolls, 9th level spells can only mishap on a natural "1" or a modified 2-24.
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4. Athletics (Strength)
Corresponding 1st edition and 2nd thief abilities: Climb Walls
https://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/climb more information on page than table below.
Table: Climb DCs
DCExample Surface or Activity
0A slope too steep to walk up, or a knotted rope with a wall to brace against.
5A rope with a wall to brace against, or a knotted rope, or a rope affected by the rope trick spell.
10A surface with ledges to hold on to and stand on, such as a very rough wall or a ship’s rigging.
15Any surface with adequate handholds and footholds (natural or artificial), such as a very rough natural rock surface or a tree, or an unknotted rope, or pulling yourself up when dangling by your hands.
20An uneven surface with some narrow handholds and footholds, such as a typical wall in a dungeon.
21A typical buildings upper-story wall
25A typical buildings lower-story wall
25A rough surface, such as a natural rock wall or a brick wall.
30An overhang or ceiling with handholds but no footholds, or a typical city wall
A perfectly smooth, flat, vertical (or inverted) surface cannot be climbed.
Table: Climb DC Modifiers by Surface or Activity
Climb DC
Example Surface or Activity
–10Climbing a chimney (artificial or natural) or other location where you can brace against two opposite walls.
–5Climbing a corner where you can brace against perpendicular walls.
+5Surface is slippery.

* These modifiers are cumulative; use all that apply.

*This skills includes jumping rules  (acrobatics above, but without things like diving into water)
*This skill is used for the speed rules
*This skill is used to swim.  This may be attempted by those without the skill.   
*This skill is used to lift massive weight without injury.  Those without this skill will suffer fatigue and possible damage from attempting to do so.
*A character grappling another with acrobatics or athletics does so with advantage.  The target without acrobatics or athletics checks at disadvantage.
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5. Deception (Charisma)
You may bluff:  https://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/bluff    (more information than table below is included)
Table: Bluff Modifiers
CircumstancesBluff Modifier
The target wants to believe you+5
The lie is believable+0
The lie is unlikely–5
The lie is far-fetched–10
The lie is impossible–20
The target is drunk or impaired+5
You possess convincing proofup to +10
*Seduction skill: Detailed process listed here (which details additional complications or merits):
Stage 1 ( Catching Interest Stage ): This is a Deception versus Insight check.  If the target does not have the Insight skill, a character with the Deception skill rolls with advantage, while the target rolls with disadvantage.  The number of successful contest required is equal to the target's wisdom bonus.  A natural "20" for the Deceptive character means they can automatically move on to stage two.  A natural "1" ends the encounter due to some mistake or unforeseen complication.
Stage 2 ( Charming action / Flirting / Witty Banter Stage): This is a Deception versus Insight check.  If the target does not have the Insight skill, a character with the Deception skill rolls with advantage, while the target rolls with disadvantage.  The number of successful contest required is equal to the target's Intelligence bonus.  A natural "20" for the character counts as two successful rounds.  A natural "1" ends the encounter due to some mistake or unforeseen complication.
Stage 3 ( Seduction / Innuendo Stage ): This is a Deception versus Insight check.  If the target does not have the Insight skill, a character with the Deception skill rolls with advantage, while the target rolls with disadvantage.  The number of successful contest required is equal to the target's wisdom bonus.  A natural "20" for the character counts as two successful rounds.  A natural "1" ends the encounter due to some mistake or unforeseen complication.  Succeeding at this range may lead to additional complications such as children and marriage.
*When combined with Investigation the character is capable of Interrogating a subject.  The base system is skilled Deception against a skilled Insight roll.  The caster must beat the target's Insight roll.    If the target does not have the Insight skill, a caster with the Deception skill rolls with advantage, while the target rolls with disadvantage.  On a natural "1", the target will confess to something they didn't do or tell the Interrogator whatever they wish to hear true or not.  The Interrogator will need an Insight check to tell it is false.
*This skill may be used to falsely shift a person's opinion of you.  This skill requires one successful check per attitude shift in the person.
*This skill may be used to hide a charm effect, that the basic rules state that the target will be aware of at the end of the spell.    The base system is skilled Deception against a skilled Insight roll.  The caster must beat the target's Insight roll.    If the target does not have the Insight skill, a caster with the Deception skill rolls with advantage, while the target rolls with disadvantage.
*This skill may be used to start a false rumor.  It will take at least ten successful checks with at least 10 different NPCs to start this process.
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6. History (Intelligence)
Corresponding 1st and 2nd edition thief abilities: Read Languages
*The character can know any of the histories and the factions of the base homebrew information laid out in the main homebrew on a successful roll:
*You are aware of Dragon homebrew on a successful roll: https://haunt2003.com/index.php/community/5e-dd-homebrew/dnd-5e-dragons-homebrew/
*You are aware of Giant homebrew on a successful roll:
*You are aware of Humanoid homebrew on a successful roll:
*When combined with Arcana this skill can be used to identify unique Arcane magic items, this is beyond the identify spell
*When combined with Religion this skill can be used to identify unique Divine magic items, this is beyond the identify spell
*This skill allows the character to know certain events, and have a general knowledge of an area they are familiar with.  This skill can literally be a reason for a character to have some general meta-game knowledge, such as knowing about the famous mage Elminster of Shadowdale.  However, since the campaign takes place on a parallel Prime Material plane, not all of what the character knows might be actually true for this Toril, just like scholarly works mildly peppered with the writer's propaganda often turn out to be less than the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, when viewed from the glaring light of reality.  *Basic checks for general information do not require this skill, advanced checks do*
*This skill allows the character to know an area's laws and taxes.  *Basic checks for general information do not require this skill, advanced checks do*
*This skill allows the character to identify places on the map and where to go geographically without one.  This includes general information that is most likely true.  *Basic checks for general information do not require this skill, advanced checks do*
        Geography (lands, terrain, climate, people); https://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/knowledge
*Without proficiency in a language, this skill may be used to best guess the meaning of a writing or read an ancient version of the character's modern language.    *One must have this skill to attempt this.*
*This skill allows the character to identify heraldry.  This is true even for obscure nobility.  *It is not possible to identify heraldry beyond one's own flag and king without this skill.* 

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7. Insight (Wisdom)

https://www.d20pfsrd.com/skills/sense-motive   (small sample with table)

Table: Sense Motive DC’s
TaskSense Motive DC
Sense enchantment25 or 15
Discern secret messageVaries

*This skill is used as the counter to Deception, Intimidation, Performance, and Persuasion.  (high roll wins)

*This skill can give a character an Empathic read on a character. The base system is skilled Insight against a skilled Deception roll. The caster must beat the target's Insight roll. If the target does not have the Deception skill, a caster with the Insight skill rolls with advantage, while the target rolls with disadvantage.

*when combined with the Deception skill, against a rivals Deception attempt, this allows to guess at a characters hidden motives.

*when combined with a proficiency in Disguise kit, this allows for the character too guise at the disguised real appearance.

*when combined with the Investigation skill, this allows to guess at the emotional state of someone investigated, even when they are absent at something like a crime scene.

*when combined with the Performance skill, against a rivals Performance attempt, this allows to guess at the quality level of the rival's attempt and their artistic weaknesses.

*when combined with the Persuasion skill, against a rivals Persuasion attempt, this allows to guess at the quality level of the rival's attempt and their argument's weaknesses. This would allow for advantage on a counter argument if successful. This is more about delivery style than specific information.

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