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HAUNT Beach Party Message for April 10, 2005

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Posts: 2117
HAUNT Webmaster
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Illustrious Member
Joined: 1 year ago
10 April 2005, 2 PM EST
Location -3454 -6574 Dantooine
So, I was cruising Bestine.  For old times sake, I'd just done four Tatooine Sunburn shooters in the bar.  I had decided to go shopping. 
I'm hit the Hotel events coordinator: snagging a jukebox, and picking up a case at the local bizarre.  I had my sunscreen on, my walkman blaring LPR,
my sunglasses resting on my head, and my arms filled with a collection of party items.
I'm walking on the universe's biggest collection of Beach sand when it suddenly kicks up.  I'm planning on personally writing a termination order
for the weatherman, because I yahooed the weather report, there were no sandstorms on the report for today and that guy just told his last lie on
that clone...
That's when the Lamda shuttle starts landing.  It's boom box blaring the Imperial protocol music.  You know the type that makes you think the
Emperor is visiting, but most of the time is just a lazy pilot trying not to get a ticket from the local cops.
The protocol tune is really mixing poorly with the music I'm already trying to listen too.  I'm plotting on the pilot too, if it's some green Imperial
academy twit playing a psyche out stunt, he is going to pay. 
The shuttle lands.  I'm standing at the door.  Out comes the boss, black armor gleaming in the sun. 
I'm thinking, great, did I leave the keys to the Deathstar somewhere?  You hit your hundredth cloning from Lord Vader's management counseling style and
you try to rethink your actions, before the boss does an on the spot evaluation.  It a great honor to have him council you, but it wears a little
on the frequent cloner card.
I snap to attention, unfortunately dropping everything I had in my arms.  Lord Vader goes into the heavy breathing speech, but I'm slightly
distracted, since my head is still swimming from the sunburns and just I dropped my beach ball.  Some Jawa thief is running off with it and I just
bought the dang thing. 
I'm sure Lord Vader had something important to say, but the Lamda is still boom boxing the protocol theme.  I also think I had my walkman turned up too
high.  It was against the rules to adjusting the sound on my own device while standing at attention.  So, I'm kind of stuck.
I do notice that Lord Vader shouted, "Do your part for the Empire!", or something like that.  It resounds even over the boom boxes and my walkman.
I get an idea.  We need a beach party!     
Thus come one, come all, by Imperial decree of Lord Vader himself, we're Launching Imperial Beach Party VI.  On Sunday April 10th, we're opening up
the great Lake of Dantooine for a day of: fun, drinking, games, prizes, more drinking, swimming, dancing, even more drinking, bikini wear, dueling, still
more drinking, and anything else fun we can think of that might include drinking.
I'll be talking to LPR master Shivan and seeing if we can get this event DJ'ed.  I'll also see what other surprises we can get out of this.
The rules are simple. 
1) No high scale battles do to server lag issues.  We don't want to cause a BOB server crash. 
2) You must wear a bathing suit if you are a race that can, if you can't afford something, tightie whities are acceptable. 
3) BYOB, bring you own sunscreen, BBQ, beach tunes, towel and whatever else you need. 
This is a Bria wide event.