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World of Darkness Spirits: 2nd Edition and WTA 20 rulings (including other systems)

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Create Fire: the spirit rolls Gnosis (difficulty: torch 3, bonfire 6, inferno 9).  The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Create Wind: the spirit rolls Gnosis (difficulty: strong breeze 3, storm 6, and tornado 9).  The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Illuminate: the spirit may spread light and control everything about it up to 20 yards or 20 meters from its body.  The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Flood: The spirit floods an area.   A Gaffling can flood a building or a city block.  A Jaggling can flood several city blocks or a small town.  The cost is one essence.

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Freeze: Reduce the spirit’s rage by one and deals new Rage damage (aggravated) everyone in the area as the spirit drastically lowered the temperature.  It may have other effects at Storyteller discretion.  The cost is one rage point temporarily.

Healing: the spirit rolls Gnosis (difficulty 6, for aggravated 8).   Heals one health level per roll.   May only heal a character once per scene.  The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Open Moon Bridge: makes a bridge from anywhere to anywhere within 1000 miles.  10 seconds to travel.  The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Peek: A materialized may look across the gauntlet.   This power only really has use outside of a spirit’s Realm.  The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Shapeshift: take any form but no special abilities.  Roll versus target willpower to mimic someone specific.  The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.   This can allow a spirit with Talisman abilities to access those abilities.


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Shatter Glass: The spirit shatters all the glass in an area.  Roll Gnosis (difficulty 6).  The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.


Short Out: The spirit shorts out electrical systems damaging circuits.  Roll Gnosis (difficulty 6).  The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.


Swift flight: The spirit flies at 60 + Willpower x3 speed.  As a house rule, this is in miles per hour.  The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Tracking: The spirit may find a target without any chance of error.  The cost is one essence.

Umbraquake: Everyone is thrown to the ground suffering half the spirit’s Rage in bashing damage.  The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Updraft: The spirit can lift a man sized creature into the air with a gust of wind.   This a Willpower roll difficulty 6.  The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

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The Maple Table's

Bane Charms (Wyrm Charms):

Awaken the Blight (two essence) inflicts a disease with a contested roll of the spirit's rage against the target's stamina.  If the Bane wins, if the bane wins whatever the target suffers from flares up and the next roll is to resist or recover.  A common minor fever might spike to life threatening or while a cancer metastasizes and spreads like wildfire throughout the body.

Blighted Touch: If the bane deals damage, the target must make a reflexive willpower roll or the negative aspects of a target’s personality dominate it for the next hour.   Permanent if botched.  This can be countered with cleanse the blight.  The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Carrion Walk: (one essence) Similar to possession but may only be used on a corpse (not already undead).  Uses the traits it had while alive and the bane's essence as the health track.    Causes rapid decomposing and may only be used up to a week.
Clean Scent: (one essence) May spend one essence per scene to hide Wyrm taint.

Corruption: If the bane whispers a suggestion to the target Gnosis versus the target’s willpower.   This can function across the gauntlet.  This can be countered with cleanse the blight.  The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Dark Weaving (one essence) permanently taints weaver webs and places a negative taint on gauntlet areas and data (tainted net spider trait)
Dissolution (one essence) coats claws and fangs with acid for a difficulty 9 soak to damage.  Lasts one combat round.
Dream Warp: (one essence) a night hag uses this charm to drive a wedge between a person and their loved ones by controlling their nightmares in a disturbing fashion.  As a result the target may not regain willpower from that night's sleep.

Incite Frenzy: Cause a werewolf or human to enter frenzy.  Rage versus target’s willpower.   One success causes frenzy.   Six or more successes cause werewolf to enter thrall of the wyrm.  All normal frenzy rules apply.  This can be countered with cleanse the blight.  The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Possession: The Bane enters a person or an object (Difficulty is the target’s willpower or 4 for an object).  

Successes   Time

  • 6 hours
  • 3 hours
  • Hour
  • 15 minutes
  • 5 minutes
  • Instant

Any interruption ends the process.  The person can become a formori.  This can be countered with cleanse the blight.  The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Sting (one essence) the victim makes a Stamina roll against difficulty 9 or is paralyzed for one scene.
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Weaver charms

Calcify: Bound to the Pattern Web.  Willpower versus target’s rage.   Subtract one attribute per success.  Stuck when attribute reach zero and need help to be freed.  The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Solidify Reality: Roll Gnosis and add one to a target’s essence or health levels per success for the day.   A target can only benefit from this once per day.  The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Spirit Static: The spirit can increase the Gauntlet of an area by one.   Up to three weaver spirits can work in concert to increase the Gauntlet by up to three.   The must remain in the area as long as the effect goes off and is distracted reducing all dice pools by 2.  The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

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Wild charms

Break Reality: May change a property of an item, one per success (difficulty depends on the degree of change).   It is possible to make: water into acid, a wall into a door, a couch into a steak dinner.   The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power, if successful.  Cost one essence if fails.  Costs one permanent gnosis if botched

(P1, difficulty depends on change, may imitate any mage rote at sphere difficulty+3 to cast and 10 successes necessary to make permanent (less successes are partial changes or temporary), the spheres are Matter and Life only, the charm may be cast multiple times to achieve the desired effect).  Botch causes the loss of one permanent gnosis that must be bought back at full cost at story end. 
Last note: the difficulty of any affect may not be less than local gauntlet, the more solidified the reality the harder it is to break.  One Success is one turn (6 seconds), Two successes is one scene (one hour), three successes is one day, four successes is one story (one week), five successes is 6 months, six successes is 1 year, seven successes is 10 years, eight successes is 25 years, nine successes is 100 years, ten successes is 500 years.
Spheres the Spirit (Rank 5 and up) can use for effects using up too: Life 5 and Matter 5 (or others that are appropriate to the spirit)
Difficulty: Highest Sphere Level +3 (or Gauntlet if higher) [-2]

Disorient: The spirit rolls difficulty 6 or the area’s Gauntlet whichever is higher.  If successful may change landmarks and direction.  The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.




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Older Charms now updated for 2nd Edition and WTA20:  All Realm Sense subdivisions have been removed since Realm sense is standard.  All Blast subdivisions have also been removed do to the newer skill.

Absorb Fetish (Weaver):  Spirit can absorb a fetish/talon into its own pattern, increasing its strength and power. The spirit must make physical contact with the fetish, roll Gnosis difficulty the fetishes' rank. Weaver spirit can only absorb while undisturbed; any attacks made upon it will disrupt it and it will have to reactivate the Charm from scratch. The spirit gains 1 dot of gnosis for each rank absorbed; the cost is 1 essence and the effect is not instantaneous; a level 1 fetish takes 5 min to absorb; a level 3 fetish takes an hour; a level 5 fetish takes 12 hours.  The cost is one essence.

Access Caern: Allows spirit to access the fundamental nature of a Caern (wisdom, enigmas, etc.,) to facilitate other Charms or other events. The cost is one essence.

Acquisition:  Allows spirit to "borrow" a small object from the physical world. The object disappears from the material world and appears in the Umbra. At the end of the scene, the object disappears from the Umbra and reappears in the physical world. If object is moved or hidden while in the Penumbra, it reappears in the appropriate place corresponding to its new location. Item cannot be removed from the Penumbra into a near realm however, any attempt to do so immediately shifts the item back into physical world.  The cost is one essence.  An item as large as a laundry basket or suitcase is the maximum size that can be acquired using this Charm. Ghosts with this charm can not only borrow small objects but if they invest a dot of essence into it, they can create an artifact (see background Artifact) which remains in the Dark Umbra.  The cost is one essence.

Agony:  The spirit can magnifies target's pain during combat. The target's dice penalties for wounded state are doubled and if penalties are higher than their action pool, must spend a willpower to take an action.  The duration is one round. The cost is one essence.

Animate (Banes, Ghosts): Allows a ghost to take over a dead body and send it against the living. Roll Gnosis vs local Shroud/Gauntlet. A zombie thus animated has Physical Attributes of 3 each; 7 no-penalty Health levels and a Brawl of 3 but no other Attributes. It only works with one corpse at a time. These zombies will be automatically killed if head is severed; the difficulty to ignite them on fire is 4; immolation will cause the corpse to turn to ash in a matter of turns and cause the ghost to retreat. The cost is one essence.

Any VTM discipline or WTO Arcane: A spirit may use any discipline up to their corresponding level.  Celerity 5 would be limited to 5 extra actions on a level 5 spirit.  If the discipline has multiple powers, the spirit must buy them as charms for each separate ability or buy only the one the spirit wants.  Example Majesty instead of Presence 5.  Most will be free.  Some will cost one or two essence.

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Any Fictional Power: A high umbra spirit may have any imagined power from the Internet, Video Games, Movies, Television, Manga, Comic Books, RPGs, or Books.  It does have to conform to power limitations though.  A level 5 spirit of the Flash will still only get five extra attacks.  A level 10 spirit of Superman or Goku will still on inflict or absorb a maximum of 20 dice of damage.  A spell mimicking the AD&D 2nd edition spell wish would still be limited to the comparative mage ranking of the casting spirit (example: no time travel for a level 4 spirit).  A spirit using the AD&D spell resurrection as a gift would have to be at least level 5.  A spirit of Doctor Who would have to be at least level 6.  Most powers will be free.  Some will cost one or two essence.

Any MTA spell: A spirit may use any spell from MTA.  They must have the corresponding level to use the spell however.  Most will be free.  Some will cost one or two essence.

Any WTA gift or CTD glamour: A spirit may use any gift up to their corresponding level.  Most will be free.  Some will cost one or two essence.


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Appear:  Spirit may manifest in front of a mortal (or other) without assuming a material form. They cannot, however, effect the material world in any way. The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Assess Character: See Soul Reading

Babelmind: By intruding on the victim's thoughts, the spirit jumbles what the victim says or hears. Simple words are misheard and complex conversations turn into gibberish. Roll Gnosis with difficulty of target's willpower. This Charm effects a single target (spirit or living) and lasts 10 minutes per success. The cost is one essence.

Blood Sucking:  Spirit can suck blood or Chi from a target and gain power from it. The spirit must enter combat with its victim (unless blood is being given in chiminage) and gains 1 essence per 1 point of damage (house rule) inflicted. If the victim is a vampire, the point is subtracted from blood points rather than health levels. The cost is one essence.

Bolts of Wrath: Spirit rolls rage vs. target's willpower to attack; if successful, victim feels as if they were struck with bolts of fire that cause excruciating pain from the inside out. Living Targets (without gift/ability like Resist Pain) must make a willpower difficulty 8 roll to not fall to the ground and helplessly writhe in pain for duration of the charm. The Charm lasts for 1 turn (minute) for each dot of Rage (if Shifter/Spirit) or Willpower (if other) the target has; this charm is using the target's own strength against them. This Charm may be cast more than one on the same target, stacking both the pain and the duration of helplessness but it does not by itself cause any lasting damage. The cost is one essence.

Break Wind:  see Choke

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Call for Aid: Spirit can call for the aid of like spirits (brood or other affinity) by making a WP roll with variable difficulty depending on likelihood of such spirits being present nearby. The cost is one essence.

Choke: Spirit is able to generate clouds of suffocating ash, smoke or noxious gas by spending 3 power. Anyone inhaling the cloud must make a willpower roll difficulty 8 (unless they have gift/merit/ability that mitigates) or begin choking on it helplessly, unable to do more than roll around on the ground or crawl from the area. The radius is initially 3 yards around the spirit and the cloud will drift on the wind for 3 further turns before dissipating. Any Garou caught in the cloud for more than 1 turn must make a frenzy check. The cost is one essence.

Cling: Spirit can attach itself to any target (outside the Pattern Web; that requires Scale) by making successful attack roll. They then act at Willpower +5 for grappling purposes. Only successful counter grappling, reducing the spirit's power to zero, or forcing it into slumber can remove the clinging spirit. The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Conformity (Covenant Spiders/Weaver): Covenant spiders use this charm to ensure that all who live in their domain obey the rules and conform. It works like the Bane char Corruption. Spirit can whisper suggestions in a target's ear and the target will be inclined to act upon that thought. Gnosis roll with difficulty set by target's Willpower. This gift can be used across the Gauntlet. The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Consumption: Most often possessed by ghosts, banes, dream and fear spirits, this charm allows the spirit to consume emotional energies and convert it into power. Thereafter, for each point of rage that is spent and/or each failed willpower roll in the spirit's vicinity for the duration of the scene, it gains 1 essence. If other characters have emotional outbursts without dice rolls but they seem applicable, the spirit may gain 1 additional essence per character having an outburst of intense anger, grief, passion, fear, etc. Once activated, the duration is rest of scene. This charm works across the Gauntlet and Shroud; touch is not required but range is limited to near vicinity; the emotional energies of characters who leave the area of the scene no longer feed the spirit.  The cost is one essence.

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