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World of Darkness Spirits: 2nd Edition and WTA 20 rulings (including other systems)

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Control Forest:  Spirit rolls Gnosis vs local Shroud/Gauntlet; for every success one tree or bush will animate and attack the target of the spirit's choice. The typical animated tree will have strength 3, brawl 3, dexterity 4, stamina 6, 10 non penalty health levels and no other abilities or attributes. They are not mobile and cannot give chase. The effect generally lasts one scene; the trees will become normal almost immediately if the spirit departs. The cost is one essence.

Craft Merchandise (Starlit Spiders/Weaver): At the cost of 1 essence, spirit can reshape an item in the back rooms of Star-Mart stores from one type to another. Like the homid gift: Reshape Object, but specifically consumer goods. The cost is one essence per object.

Craft Technology (Weaver): Functions like gift Reshape Object but only functions on complicated/intricate technological items. The cost is one essence per object.

Craving: By spending 1 essence and rolling Gnosis difficulty target's willpower, spirit can cause victim to suffer hunger and thirst that cannot be assuaged by normal food or drink. The effect will last until the spirit rescinds it or another means of breaking it (Mage magic, etc.) is obtained. The cost is one essence.

Create Shadows: The spirit can create, shape and manipulate shadows in the physical world. Apart from their unusual animation, these shadows are perfectly mundane, unable to attack or manipulate physical objects- although they can speak in shadowy whispers. Spirits with this charm often use it to unnerve or frighten humans, often to scare them away from the spirit's territory. To use, roll Gnosis vs the local Shroud/Gauntlet; the more successes, the more shadow the spirit is able to manipulate. The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Crystallize (Crystal spirits): Able to transform part of target's substance into crystal. Spirit makes Rage roll vs. target's willpower. Each success inflicts 1 level of aggravated damage as part of the target's body becomes brittle and crystalline. Garou can attempt to soak damage by rolling gnosis difficulty 6. Only Mother's Touch or some other form of magical (non-empathic) healing will restore creature to its original form. If the creature loses all of its health levels in this form of attack, it will become a crystalline statue and die if not healed at least 3 health levels in 24 hours. The cost is one essence.

Cut: Allows spirit to cut a person or object in the physical world. It works across the Gauntlet. For no essence, the spirit can "scratch" the target like an angry cat for an effect that does not reduce health levels. To do real damage, spirit must spend 1 essence and roll rage doing one die of non-aggravated damage per success.  The cost is one essence and two if the spirit wishes to do aggravated damage.

Dark Omen (Ancestor Spirits & Ghosts): Spirit can deliver a vision of target's future, usually something dark and bleak. Roll Gnosis difficulty target's Willpower. Certain merits might keep a target from being a good candidate for a dark omen. If spirit is successful in providing vision, character will be distracted by it and at -1 to all dice pools for remainder of scene. The cost is one essence.

Death Fertility (Banes & Ghosts): Spirit can stimulate the rapid growth of pre-existing health condition such as disease, infection, parasites, open wound, cancer, poisoning, suffocation be they natural or caused by a different charm, gift or magic. Roll rage at a difficulty of target's Willpower. Every success inflicts a level of lethal damage. The cost is one essence.

Disable: Spirit can temporarily paralyze its target by rolling Rage difficulty of target's stamina + 3, effect lasts for 1 turn per success. The cost is one essence.

Divide and Conquer: Spirit can split into multiple versions of itself. The first clone is -1 Gnosis, -1 Rage, -1 Willpower and -5 essence to itself (post charm activation). The second clone is -2 Gnosis; -2 Rage, -2 Willpower and -5 essence from first. The spirit can only create as many clones/children as can be achieved without Gnosis, Rage, Willpower or Essence falling to 0. The cost is one essence.

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Domain Sense: See Realm Sense

Dragon Sight: see Airt Sense.

Drain: Spirit is capable of draining target's very gnosis (or mana, glamour, quintessence). If target does not have applicable other pool, they lose health levels instead (counts as aggravated damage). Spirit rolls Rage difficulty of victim's Willpower. This charm does not convert drained gnosis into essence for most spirits; ghosts, however, do convert drained gnosis into essence, glamour, quintessence, or health levels into power on a 1 for 1 basis. Ghosts must be touch target in order to use this charm; other spirits do not.  The cost is one essence.

Dream Journey: Spirit can intrude into the dreams of the sleeping target and interact there. There is no physical carryover and though the dream is exceptionally vivid, the sleeper may not remember it upon awakening. The cost is one essence.

Ease Pain: see Cleanse the Blight

Field Sense: See Realm Sense

Flee: The spirit has an effective Willpower of 15 for use in escaping a foe; this includes any rolls that actively give the spirit a chance to avoid the presence of others through pacifistic means. The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Freezing Breath: see Blast

Forest Sense: See Realm Sense

Fortune: Spirit rolls gnosis vs difficulty 7; number of successes determines the scope of the good or bad luck that effect the target adding affecting difficulties for one ability per success for an adjustment of up to 3 on difficulties for one scene (1 for spirits level 1-2, 2 for spirits level 3-4, 3 for spirits level 5 or higher). The cost is one essence.

Group Fusion (Weaver): A group of three or more spirits with this Charm may surround a target and fuse together around her. Each drains a Physical Attribute every turn, and they hold target with a Strength equal to their combined Willpower. Once the target has lost all their attributes, they become calcified as per the Charm. The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

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Hide: The spirit can conceal itself; an opponent wishing to find the spirit must roll Intelligence + Wits vs the spirit's Willpower +5. The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Human Form: Spirit can assume a human guise; it may change its shape, sex, age at will. The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Hold: Spirit can immobilize person in physical world. Victim will feel like they are enveloped by invisible blanket and unable to move. Gnosis vs victim's willpower; each success is 1 turn (1 min) that the victim is immobilized. The spirit that is holding the victim cannot take any aggressive action against them, but others are able to do at -2 difficulty. The cost is one essence.


Ice Shards (Wendigo, some Elemental spirits): see Blast

Influence: Spirit can change target's mood. Can be used across the Shroud/Gauntlet. Roll Gnosis difficulty equal to the target's Willpower. For each success, the stronger and faster will the target's mood inexplicably change. Target would need to make a successful perception + awareness/spirit awareness roll to recognize what was actually happening; difficulty 6 if spirit fails, difficulty 8 if spirit succeeds. The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.


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Information Flow Tap: Spirit can tap into the flow of electronic data flowing between two computers without interrupting that flow- it can taste and read the data without disturbing the process. Roll Gnosis difficulty (10- local Shroud/Gauntlet); 1 success gives general information about the data but cannot distinguish message's contents in it was encrypted or protected against magical intrusion. 3 successes will pierce mundane encryption without detection. Supernaturally encrypted data (Mersenne) resists Charm using the Willpower of the character that ensorcelled it. The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Informational Link (Weaver): This charm allows the spirit access to all the knowledge incorporated into the Patten Web (which is just about everything). The spirit must roll Gnosis difficulty 9, to receive the specific answer to any specific question. The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Inner Pain: Spirit may cause a living being intense pain. Roll Gnosis versus Willpower, for each success, the target loses one die from Dice Pools for a turn. While the Charm cannot inflict lasting damage, the victim will not know that. If the successes exceed the victim's Stamina attribute, victim must make a willpower roll (difficulty 7) or fall unconscious for a turn. Even when she awakens, she will lose two dice from all actions for the scene's duration.  The cost is one essence.

Insight: see Soul Reading

Intangibility: By spending 1 gnosis and 1 essence, the spirit can become intangible for the duration of the scene. This can only be used in the Umbra and spirit can still communicate but it otherwise is unable to affect or be affected by anything around it. If the spirit activates a charm (like Reform or something to attack/escape), the effect will end sooner.  The cost is one gnosis and one essence.

Invisibility: Spirit can make itself invisible in the Umbra or physical world (if materialized). The Gifts Umbra Sight and Pulse of the Invisible will not detect the spirit, but Sense the Unnatural and Sense Wyrm/Weaver/Wyld (if applicable) will. If the spirit attacks someone, that person can make a Perception + Awareness/Spirit Awareness or Enigmas roll with difficulty of Spirit's Gnosis to perceive it. The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

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Iron Will: The spirit can lock its mind upon certain goals from which it cannot stray. The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Kindle/Kindle Life: Spirit has the ability to kindle life's fragile spark wherever that potential exists. Seeds can be germinated, eggs fertilized, fruit grown on trees. The spirit can also kindle powerful emotions in other beings, possibly making them so powerful to blot out other emotions being felt for the duration of the charm (the scene or until the spirit leaves). The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Life Drain: Spirit must be in physical contact with victim on either side of the Shroud/Gauntlet. They must spend an essence point and then make a Gnosis roll, difficulty the victim's willpower. Can drain 1 health level for every success.  The cost is one essence.

Lightning Bolt: see Blast

Liquefy: see Meld

Love Gift: Spirit can imbue a living person with siren-like qualities that will effect only one specified individual. This is actually a minor pact. The one receiving the love gift must specify who they want to target to the spirit. Then, by rolling 3 successes against the target’s willpower and giving the human a token (a flower, a kiss) that person gains the equivalent of social traits of 5 and seduction 5 that only the specified individual will behold. The gift lasts as long as the spirit favors the gifted individual; typically much chiminage is demanded. The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Meld (Elementals): Some spirits can shift into their native elements and "disappear'. This takes 1 turn and makes the elemental completely unreachable. This element may be disturbed after the spirit's departure, but only after the entity has fled. Only work with elements of spirits affinity- fire spirit cannot meld into earth or water. The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

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Mind Speech: Spirit with this Charm can speak directly into a target's mind; if the target is someone pacted to the spirit, there is no roll and it lasts one scene. For any other, spirit must roll Gnosis vs. difficulty of target's Willpower and it lasts one scene.  The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Mirage: Spirit can use this charm to create a wide variety of insubstantial images. Charm can only produce static images incapable of independent movement, but these images can be extremely complex and detailed. All images created by charm are completely insubstantial- a mirage of a wall may seem solid, but anyone can walk through it without resistance. Roll Gnosis.  The image of a single object smaller than a microwave requires one success to create for one scene; with two successes the spirit can alter the appearance of a room for one scene; with three successes the spirit can alter the appearance of an entire house or bigger area (up to small park) for one scene.  The cost is one essence.

Neutral Scent: The Spirit can conceal its triadic affiliation for the duration of the scene. It does not register to any Gifts such as Realm Sense, Sense Wyrm, Sense Weaver, and Sense Wyld.  The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Noxious Gas: Spirit can produce malodorous cloud that will linger for one scene. The size/lethality of the cloud depends on the number of successes rolled (Gnosis difficulty 6). Anyone breathing the fumes (without a gift like Resist Toxin) must soak the damage each turn. If the amount of damage taken is higher than target's stamina, they pass out. The target can attempt to hold breath or dissipate the cloud. The cost is one essence.

Nullify Dream: The spirit can nullify any of its target's powers to affect a dream, whether Gifts, charms, magic, using glamour, calling the Wyrd, so forth, the spirit must concentrate and take no other action.  The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Paralyze: The same as Paralyzing stare below.

Paralyzing Stare: Spirit must be in line of sight and have "eye contact" with target (spirit or living). They spend 1 essence and rolls its Gnosis against the target's Willpower. Target freezes in place for 1 turn per success. The cost is one essence.



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Poison: Most commonly possessed by banes, snake and spider spirits and some ghosts. Roll gnosis difficulty victim's willpower; each success causes 1 level of lethal (soakable) damage. Gifts like Resist Toxin and other magical effects may counter this charm. Can be used on one victim per round; touch is not required.  The cost is one essence.

Poltergeist: The spirit can move physical objects without materializing itself. Roll Gnosis against the local Gauntlet.  One success allows the spirit to move a few small objects like keys or pencils for a scene. Two successes allows the spirit to move or operate a single moderate sized object like a toaster or large handgun; three successes allows the spirit to operate or move a large object like a car, motorcycle or entire contents of a room. This charm cannot be used to throw objects hard enough to do more than 1 die of bashing damage. This charm however can be used to drop large objects on people, hit them with cards or shoot at them with guns. Roll is Gnosis vs local Shroud/Gauntlet.  The cost is one essence.

Prophecy (NPCs only): Spirit can peer into things to come and tell a questioner one fact about their near future by rolling Gnosis difficulty 6. Generally, these will be mundane events such as a marriage or inheritance and can be good news or bad. The number of successes affect the detail provided. The cost is one essence.


Purify: see Cleanse the Blight

Quake: Spirit can cause the ground in the physical world which corresponds to its current penumbral location to rumble and shake. Roll Gnosis against the local Gauntlet.   Affects a one-mile radius per success.  The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Quit Reality: This bizarre charm allows the spirit to "step sideways" from both physical reality and the umbra into a mysterious other place, presumably a pocket Realm. The spirit may take one passenger along; for some reason, mages are the most frequent targets of this attack. The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Sap Will: Spirit is capable of undermining target's resolve and determination. Usable across the Gauntlet. Spirit spends 1 essence and makes a Gnosis roll against target's Willpower. Each success drains 1 temporary willpower point. If the target is brought to zero willpower, they become extremely suggestible, and will follow almost any suggestion just to find some direction in their life.  The cost is one essence.

Scale: This charm allows a spirit not directly in the Weaver's service to climb on the Pattern Web without becoming stuck or calcified; similarly, its presence on the Pattern Web won't draw the attention of Net or Pattern Spiders. Weaver-spirits have no need of this Charm. The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

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Scatter Thoughts: Like Babelmind, except this charm confuses sensory impressions and complex thoughts rather than words. Roll Gnosis vs difficulty of target's willpower; mind shield, iron will and such apply as prevention tools. This Charm effects a single target (spirit or living) and lasts 10 minutes per success. The cost is one essence.

Scent of Safety: Spirit can instinctively home in on best path to the nearest safe haven. The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

See the Secret: Soul Reading

Siren Song: Similar to Suggestion Charm but the spirit can only lure a target to it through song, not suggesting other commands. Anyone who hears the spirit song must roll willpower difficulty 8 to resist; otherwise they will attempt to come to spirit. Should there be barriers in their way or should the spirit hover off a cliff or otherwise put victim in jeopardy, victim will be agitated and distracted trying to reach the spirit in some safe fashion for duration of scene or until spirit withdraws. The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Snatch Wireless: Spirit can grab cellular and digital packets coming from or going to phones and pages. Catching as many packets as possible and in the process somewhat disrupting communications in a small area (dropped calls, low signals, etc.) requires rolling Willpower vs local Shroud/Gauntlet rating. Finding a particular stream of packets such as specific conversation, requires first a Gnosis roll, then Willpower against same local Shroud/Gauntlet rating. After having consumed these packets, the spirit can recount the information to others at any later date if it so chooses or is compelled to.  The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

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Soul Reading: With a glance, the spirit can see a person's inner temperament (nature). It’s empathic rather than mind-reading. Spirit rolls Gnosis vs target's Willpower. Number of successes dictate the amount of insight that can be acquired. The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Spirit Away: Spirit can snatch single living target from the Material world and take it with them to Umbra. Spirit must make two gnosis rolls- first Gnosis vs. target's Willpower; then Gnosis vs local Shroud/Gauntlet. Cost is one essence to take target into local penumbra; they can be returned at will by the Spirit thereafter or left wandering unless they manage escape or rescue. The cost is two essence to take target to spirit's own realm. Human will remain until spirit releases them or they are rescued.  The cost is one essence for the penumbra.  The cost is two essence for the spirit realm.

Suffocation: See Noxious Gas

Suggestion: This is a lesser form of the Charm Corruption. The spirit can convey a sensory image and suggest the target follow it. If the target resists, the spirit must roll Gnosis difficulty set by the target's Willpower. Although the involuntary effect lasts for one scene, the target can still hold onto image in mind and pursue further if they wish. The new rules give no essence cost for this charm, greatly increasing its usefulness and power.

Tear the Gauntlet (Wyld Spirits): Some Wyld spirits can break the Pattern Web. When activated, the local Gauntlet can be reduced by 1 day per point of the spirit's Gnosis.  The cost is one essence.


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Tech Sense: See Realm Sense

Terror: Spirit can use this charm to create an overpowering aura of raw, overwhelming terror. Target must make willpower roll difficulty 8 or collapse in fear or run away. Garou must make a frenzy check; if they frenzy it will be a fox frenzy and they will try to run from scene. In Dusk, this charm -will- effect other spirits, vampires, Shifters, etc. but does not work through the Shroud/Gauntlet. The terror radiates outward from the spirit in roughly 50 feet in all directions and last five turns (minutes); a willpower roll to resist the fear is required each turn. The cost is one essence.

 Throw Crystal (Crystal Spirits):  see Blast

Throw Glass (Glass Spirits): see Blast

Umbral Storm: Spirit can cause great downpour in surrounding Umbra. Due to the strange nature of the Umbra, it is not always just water that falls from the sky.  Roll Gnosis difficulty 6.   For each success a storm one mile in diameter is hit with 40 mph winds. Storms created by this charm generally last until they die down naturally.  The cost is one essence.

Water-Breathing: With a touch (often a kiss), the spirit grants a single air-breather the ability to breathe water and withstand the pressure of great depths for a pre-determined time negotiated by the spirit and target. The cost is one essence to provide this effect for one scene; it would cost ten essence to provide it permanently.  The cost is one to ten essence.

Waves (water spirits, banes, and ghosts): By turning waters to froth, spirit can try to drown victims, upset boats, pull surfers or swimmers down beneath. This Charm creates strong currents on or under the surface of any liquid. Cost is one essence for a 50-foot radius and lasts for 1 scene. The strength of the current is equivalent to the spirit's rage.  The cost is one essence.

Wood Warp: The spirit twists all wood within a 10-foot radius into new and interesting shapes. Unless the wood has been magically protected, or is part of a Fetish of other mystical item, the Warp is automatic. If object is protected, spirit rolls Rage against the item's level + 5 (a level 5 talisman would be difficulty 10 to warp). Success reshapes the object to shape that pleases the spirit; it cannot be bent back into shape again without magical spell or Gift. The cost is one essence.


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