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World of Darkness Spirits: 2nd Edition and WTA 20 rulings (including other systems)

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Examples of Kindred Discipline style lower Umbra Charms  (also commonly used by Risen)  V20 style
Awe [Presence 1] (one essence) Rolls Gnosis against difficulty 7.  The number of successes determines how many people are affected on the charts below.  If there are most more people present than the spirit can influence then the people with the lowest willpower are affected first.  [May spend willpower to resist like any Presence power].  1. One person.  2. Two people.  3. Six people.  4 20 people.  5 or more. Everyone in the immediate vicinity  (up to an auditorium.)
Celerity - (1 essence per scene) one extra action per spirit level per turn
Entrancement [Presence 3] (one essence): Spend one essence point and roll gnosis against the opponents willpower [may spend willpower to resist like any Presence power].  Successes determine length of entrancement, think charmed.  1. One hour.  2. One day.  3. One week.  4. One month.  5 or more.  One year.
Fortitude - (no cost)  1 extra soak dice per spirit level, even against fire and sunlight for lower umbra creatures, 5 at 5.
Majesty [Presence 5]: (one essence) for one scene an opponent must make a willpower roll against difficulty 10 (gnosis) to be rude or simply contrary to the spirit.  [May spend willpower to resist like any Presence power].
Potence - (no cost)  1 automatic strength success per spirit level, 5 at 5.
The Forgetful Mind [Dominate 3] (one essence) May rewrite memories with a roll of Gnosis against the subject's willpower.  If botched, the subject is immune to this and other mental powers of the spirit for the rest of the story.  Successes: 1. May remove a single memory, lasts  only one day. 2. May remove but not alter a memory permanently.  3. May make slight changes to memory.  4. May alter or remove an entire scene from the subject's memory.  5 or more. May reconstruct entire periods of the subject's life. 
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Examples of Garou Charms
Adaptation (one essence) The spirit spends one essence and takes no damage from poison or disease and may exist in any environment, regardless of pressure, temperature or atmospheric conditions.  This does not protect against hazardous situations just environments.  Roll Gnosis difficulty 7, lasts one hour per success.  Silent Strider Rank3
Blissful Ignorance (no cost) the spirit becomes completely invisible to all senses, spirits and monitoring devices by being still.  Roll Willpower, difficulty 5, each success removes one perception and/or alertness success from those trying to look for the spirit.  Ragabash Rank2.
Cat feet (no cost and innate)  immune to falls under 100 feet, perfect balance, minus 2 difficulties to grapples and slams.  Lupus Rank3.
Endurance of Heimdall: spend 2 essence and roll gnosis.  If successful endurance is doubled for the scene (stamina related willpower checks).  Get of Fenris Rank5
Eyes of the Eagle: (no cost) Roll gnosis, difficulty 7, successes equal the number of miles added to the spirits clear visual range for one scene.  Lupus Rank2.
Great Leap (one essence) Roll Rage, difficulty 6.  May jump 100 feet per success.  Silent Strider Rank3.
Heightened Senses: (no cost) Roll gnosis to use sense with a difficulty of minus 2.  Sensory overload can be disorienting.  Lupus Rank1.
Leap of the Kangaroo / Hare's Leap Rank1: Jumping is doubled for a scene (no cost) or tripled if the spirit spends one essence.  Lupus Rank1.
Might of Thor: (2 essence) and roll gnosis.  May double strength score (rage) for one turn per success.  May only be used once per scene.  Get of Fenris Rank3
Predator's Arsenal (no cost): grow fangs and claws to use in human form.  These inflict lethal rather than aggravated damage.  Lupus Rank1.
Scent of Running Water (no cost and innate) increases the difficulty to track the spirit by 2.  Ragabash Rank1.
Scent of Sight (no cost) spirit may use smell instead of sight.  Lupus Rank2.
Sense the Unnatural (no cost) spirit may sense any supernatural presence and determine its approximate strength and type.  Roll Gnosis, difficulty 6.  Lupus Rank3.
Sense the Wyrm (no cost) the spirit can detect corruption which is a function or a humanity under 7.  Roll Gnosis, the difficulty is the actual humanity score.  various Rank1.
Speed of Thought. (one essence) The spirit spends one essence and doubles their movement for one scene, this does stack with swift flight.  Silent Strider Rank1
Speed Beyond Thought (one essence) The spirit spends one essence and multiples their movement speed by 10 for eight hours, this does stack with swift flight.  At the end of the journey the spirit must eat or go into frenzy.  Silent Strider Rank4
Survivor [Bone Gnawer 5] (two essence)  The spirit or the recipient has no need of food, water or sleep and does not suffer from pressure & temperature extremes (even in the void of space).  The subject is also immune to natural diseases, radiation, and poisons.  Wyrm toxins only have half the normal effect.  The caster rolls Gnosis (difficulty 7 [5 with medium]), lasting one day per success.  Gain +3 stamina, even if this takes the trait over 10, and does not suffer wound penalties.  Whenever the subject is about to die or be defeated, automatically regain one will point per round.  When the gift ends, the subject must sleep for 8 hours and awaken ravenously hungry.
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Examples of Spell Charms
Aegis (one essence, as Correspondence2, Entropy2, Forces2, Life2, Matter2, Mind2, Prime2, Spirit2, Time2) ward yourself or another from attack, adding the spirit's gnosis score in protection and to health levels maximum, for one scene.  Rank2.  As Armor charm.
All Sense (no cost, as Correspondence1, Entropy1, Forces1, Life1, Matter1, Mind1, Prime1, Spirit1, Time1) sense reality through all nine spheres, roll Gnosis, difficulty 4 or more.  Rank1.
Create Spirit Talisman (one essence, Mind4, Prime4, Spirit4) Roll Gnosis, time and difficulty depends on what is created Rank4.  Spirit packs and families acting in concert may be able to pool successes to create such things quicker.  [Permanent magic items still require one permanent willpower point, that can be recovered at the end of the story (Week on Sunday), for 9 experience, normally limiting such items to one per week.  However, Talens may be created at a much faster rate and require no willpower.]
Font of Paradise: (one essence)  Once per scene the spirit can pull essence from the umbra, like a master of prime.  The difficulty is the area Gauntlet.  The base is reduced by 2 via medium.  Roll Gnosis and recover one essence per success.  Usable once per scene.
2 A level 5 Caern / Haunt / Freehold / Node                               
3 A level 4 Caern / Haunt / Freehold / Node                               
4 A level 3 Caern / Haunt / Freehold / Node; Untamed Wilderness                   
5 A level 2 Caern / Freehold / Haunt / Node; Deep Wilderness                     
6 A level 1 Caern / Freehold / Haunt / Node; Rural Countryside                   
7 City; Most Places; Most Urban Areas; A level 2 Weaver Node                     
8 Inner City; Downtown; A level 3 Weaver Node                                
9 Science Lab; State of the Art Hospital; Technocracy Lab; A level 4 Weaver Node       
0 A level 5 Weaver Node       
Nanotech Life Support (one essence per day) Heal one wound every two turns; Stamina 5; immune to aging; immune to disease and cancer; immune to poison; immune to drugs; etc.               
Pre Cognition (no cost, as Time 2) may look into the possible future to see what might occur, roll Gnosis, difficulty 5 or more.  May be combined with All Sense.  Rank2.
Post Cognition (no cost, as Time 2) may look into the past to see what has occurred, roll Gnosis, difficulty 5 or more.  May be combined with All Sense.  Rank2.
Shed the Years [MTA: Masters of the Art: E4 L3 Mind2 P5 T2] (10 essence) may turn back a subject's age up to nine years.  Roll gnosis (difficulty 8 [6 with medium]), it requires 5 successes to go into effect and the spirit can choose less years if they wish.
Teleport Gate (one essence, as Correspondence4 Mind4 Spirit4) open a temporary portal to anywhere in the Umbra or Earth, including dreams, Rank4.
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Power Recharge Charms: These are in addition to spirit's normal gathering abilities.
Drink Blood (no cost) Spirit regains one essence point for each point of damage inflicted while using this power.  One point of damage may be considered bashing and healed within an hour.  Use vampire rules for taking and morale implications.  The Herd background may be used for this charm and increase its yield by one per dot.  Kindred of the East and many ghosts use this to drink Chi (life force energy) rather than blood.  This is a Lower Umbra Charm and is free to lower Umbra spirits.
Hunt (no cost) The spirit uses Airt Sense to find a Gnosis Gaffling and upon a successful hunt harmlessly eats it.  Regain one essence per successful roll of gnosis.  This is a Middle Umbra Charm and is free to Middle Umbra spirits.
Rapture (no cost) When in a place favored by the spirit with people enraptured by a performance, the spirit may feed on glamour like a fae on the emotions.  The Herd background may be used for this charm.  The Herd background may be used for this charm and increase its yield by one per dot.  This is a High Umbra Charm and is free to high Umbra spirits.  Spirit packs and families acting in concert may be able to pool successes with the total being shared equally by all in sum, meaning the effort in total is greater than the sum of its parts, i.e. the maximum 20 successes gaining 20 essence for each spirit involved.  [Note: such energies may only be gathered from beings with an Intelligence of average or better.  Further this energy comes from the Dreaming of the high umbra directly, filtered through the targets mind, rather than target themselves.  Personalized, intimate gathering should be one Glamour Essence gathered per two successes.  Gathering from a crowd will yield one point per four successes.  Success should be rounded down but should always yield at least one success {plus one per point of Herd}.  Gathering is normally some kind of extended action and may be resisted.  Crowd gathering is limited to one point, per person, per day {Herd bonus may apply per person in Herd there}.  More individual gathering is limited to 50 point per day, per person, per spirit.  So three spirits of insanity could gather 50 points each from extend manipulation of a single inmate].
Paradox Charms:
Create Paradox Realm (rank 6+)  Cost 20 essence - create a containment realm to punish a mage
Cause Un birth (Wrinkle)  Time 8 cost 15 essence
Spirit Possessed Charms (Fomor, Drones, etc.)
Berserk - May spend Rage like a Garou, but limited to a base 3 per round.  The downsides is that the temporary points count as the current rage score for all rolls.  Further the spirit is vulnerable to Battle Frenzy (pick Wyrm type) and Fox Frenzy just like a Garou.  The spirit regains rage just like a Garou.
Willful - May spend Willpower for Automatic successes like a normal WoD character.  The downside is that the spirit must use the temporary dice pool for all Willpower rolls.
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Other systems:
V. Raise Dead [as 5th level AD&D 2nd Edition spell, conjuration]  (ten essence) With touch, may effect a creature dead for no longer than a day per level of the caster (5 days), the creature cannot be undead, a construct, an elemental or an outsider (spirit).  Does not work on people that died of old age or that had been killed by a death spell.  This will close wounds but missing parts are not regenerated (may be with follow up heal charm).  Poisons and diseases are removed (cleanse the blight style).  Difficulty base is 10 minus the target's living stamina and will need 10 successes [may be cumulative].  Returns deceased to a barely alive state that needs immediate healing.  Further the target will need a day of bed rest for as many days as dead.  May only be attempted once per caster.  Costs 10 essence and rolls gnosis.
Subject will lose one point of Stamina permanently and must pass a Stamina check against difficulty 8 to return to life.   Stamina may be bought again with experience.  Characters with less than 2 Stamina cannot be raised.
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Mega Charms:
VI. Back in Time (ten essence) (Level 6, Time 6) Move back in time with extreme repercussions if the timeline is changed.
VI. Port to Next Solar System (ten essence) (Level 6, Correspondence 6, Possible Spirit 5+): Gate jump one solar system at a time.  This is BSG FTL style.
VII. Limited Wish (fifteen essence) (Level 7: As old 2nd edition AD&D spell) 25 words with effects far stronger than normal magic being possible
VII. Resurrection (fifteen essence) (Level 7: As old 2nd edition AD&D spell) May return from the dead someone who died in the past 100 years, chance of failure.
VIII. TARDIS (fifteen essence) (Level 8: Correspondence8, Spirit8, Time8) Go anywhere in time and space without disrupting the fixed points.
IX. True Resurrection (twenty essence) (Level 9: As old 2nd edition AD&D spell) May return from the dead someone who died in the past 100 years with no chance of failure.
IX. Wish (twenty essence) (Level 9: As old 2nd edition AD&D spell) 25 words with practically anything being possible
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It should also be noted that there are spirits beyond Rank 10.  They are intended not to be directly a part of the game, but rather greater concepts that are far to large to effectively be used positively or negatively in a game.  They are only presented as scaling concepts, not as something to use.
In Western Theology, God and the Archangels would be well beyond rank 10.  As noted in VTM, Cain himself would be well beyond Rank 10 or 3rd Generation (or Rank 12 by simple math).  God and many of the Angels would be well above Cain.  Angels met in the Umbra may be the real deal or they might simply be concept spirits or tricksters.  Cain's teacher Lilith would also be of similar power.
In Garou cosmology Luna, Gaia, the Wild, the Weaver and the Wyrm are all Middle Umbra spirits beyond Rank 10.  Each has several 10 Rank spirits servants and a multitude of lesser spirits.  The Wyrm aspects of the Beast of War (Calamity), the Defiler Wyrm (Corruption) and Eater of Souls (Consumption) can each be thought of as Spirits on the level of Cain, which is again, beyond Rank 10.  Most Tribal totems are Rank 8 Incarna (tragically, most were once Rank 10 Celestines but their power has waned as the Garou nations have declined).  Most Sept totems are Rank 5 or 6.  Most pack totems would be between Rank 2 to 5.  These may have deep Umbra counterparts as well.
In Changeling cosmology the great Seelie and Unseelie courts of Arcadia (the Dreaming) are all High Umbra spirits beyond Rank 10.  Each has several 10 Rank spirits servants and a multitude of lesser spirits.  These may have deep Umbra counterparts as well.
In the dark cosmology of the Wraiths, there are dark spirits of Oblivion in the Lower Umbra beyond Rank 10.  Each has several 10 Rank spirits servants and a multitude of lesser spirits.  These are the specters and their armies that raise in the great storms that wipe undead cities off the map.  These may have deep Umbra counterparts as well.
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