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World of Darkness: PENTEX rulings, setting, and information for 2nd edition and WTA 20

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David F's



We live in a world where a two tiered justice system has become obvious in the US.   People living in Canada, the US, and Western Europe have watched their privacy and rights violated by bribed government officials.  They've watched companies that are willing to risk litigation for goals that hurt their own consumers.

The World of Darkness is something much worse.  The game proposed is one based during the pandemic scare, in a World of Darkness setting where the Final Nights never occurred.  Others may choose another time setting, but this will be the focus of the home game.

Within this world, we'll be talking about something much worse than anything in our own reality.  A glue that through the seven deadly sins has united every dark faction of the World of Darkness on some level.

This is a a company that houses leading members of the Sabbat, the Black Spiral Dancers, the Nephandi, and the Unseelie Fae.   That's just a small fraction of the supernatural within its multiple subsidiaries each with up to several trillion dollars in assets.   

Unlike in the advertisements above, the name Pentex is unknown.  Many of its subsidiaries are no less diverse than the Disney company is in our world.  Many of its subsidiaries are richer and more diverse than the Disney company.


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whitewolf.fandom.com's quote and links:


In the theology of the Garou, the Wyrm is one of the higher Celestines. The Wyrm's purpose is the cleansing and rectification of Creation, furthering its descent into Entropy. He achieves this by eliminating that which the Wyld creates and the Weaver structures.

According to the general consensus among the Garou theologians, the Wyrm was the second member of the Triat to go insane. Once the Weaver went mad and began encasing everything in Webs, the Wyrm was progressively constrained until he was driven mad as well, hellbent on destroying everything. Consequently, the Wyrm is now a spirit of destruction, chaos, darkness, and corruption, the essence of everything the Garou oppose. Most Tribes have their own myths that describe the Wyrm in their own specific cultural nomenclature.

Triatic Wyrm

As part of a resultant dissociative identity disorder on a universal scale, there are three main "heads" of the Wyrm, each representing a different part of its personality. As mentioned in the Book of the Wyrm, the three heads also represent the Triat and the original balance Wyrm trying to figure out what went wrong, and as such the main three heads are called the Triatic Wyrm.

  • Beast-of-War, the Wyrm of Calamity, a monster of senseless rage, ready to destroy all in its path. It is said by some that Frenzy and Rage are this Wyrm's blessings. This Triatic Wyrm is analogous to the Wyld's love of chaos, but here it is a chaos achieved via destructive terror.
  • Eater-of-Souls, the Wyrm of Consumption, paragon of the gnawing hunger of greed, lust, and gluttony. Vampires are said to be under the sway of Eater-of-Souls. Eater nearly manifested in North America, but was banished by the sacrifice of an entire tribe of Garou. This Triatic Wyrm is analogous to the Weaver's desire to unify, but the method here is unification via consumption and digestion.
  • Defiler Wyrm, the Wyrm of Corruption, a scheming entity of corruption, perversion and decay. Most Pentex operations are likely under the sway of the Defiler Wyrm. This Triatic Wyrm is analogous to the original Wyrm's purgative function, but here it is being restricted to only being able to eat away at its victims intangibly, (usually) subtly, and from within.

Other Fera know different Aspects of the Wyrm: The Rokea know of Qyrl, while the Bastet speak of Cahlash and Asura. It is not known if these are separate aspects of the Wyrm in itself, or just other names that are used in cultural context. It should be noted that the Bastet can take Cahlash as a jamak in the form of the King of Cats without registering as Wyrm-tainted, and the Bastet conception of Cahlash is quite close to the Balance Wyrm.

Even its base desires are powerful enough to take on forms of their own, becoming the powerful Urge Wyrms of Hate, Lust, Fear, and other dread sentiments, as well as the Elemental Wyrms who represent perversions of the classical elements. With so many heads, the Wyrm is more Hydra than serpent - and each head is all but impossible to sever.

Creatures of the Wyrm

The Wyrm counts many different creatures in its employ. Some serve knowingly, some unknowingly. But their actions all serve to bring the Apocalypse ever closer and drive the Garou to extinction. As such, all creatures who cause misery, depravity and destruction, either willingly or unwillingly, knowingly or unknowingly, are servants of the Wyrm and are considered deserving of death and damnation by the Garou.

Deliberate servants

  • Banes: These foul spirits of the Wyrm are, thankfully, usually confined to the spirit world. Unfortunately, some of the strongest can possess mortal hosts and use them to affect the real world. Even strong men can be overwhelmed and made the puppet of a Bane. No man or beast is safe from these spirits of pure evil and corruption. When confronted, however, Banes will frequently give up their mortal shells and burst forth in their full horrifying glory, displaying razor-sharp fangs, tentacles, hundreds of faceted eyes, or a thousand other horrors, each worse than the last.
  • Black Spiral Dancers: The Wyrm's greatest triumph, the Dancers are foul twisted reflections of the Garou. Just like the Garou, they consort with spirits and can gain gifts from them, except they gain their gifts from Banes. Everything the Garou do, they do-- in service to the Wyrm. They are fond of capturing normal Garou and torturing them until they, too, become Black Spiral Dancers. Most Fera have similar corrupted counterparts, but the Spiral Dancers are the most numerous among them.
  • Fomori: Binding a bane into a mortal host, either human or animal, creates a Fomor. However, the Banes used, less powerful than most, are more firmly bound to the flesh of their hosts, resulting in many more obvious deformities. Fomori are usually created by Pentex.
  • Malfean Nephandi: A specific subgroup of evil Mages who consciously venerate the Wyrm. Whilst other Nephandi and indeed all Awakened may empower, invoke or otherwise interact with it's aspects these are generally actions that unconsciously benefit the Wyrm, but the Malfeans are very much aware of it's nature and choose to direct their venerations and supplications to it specifically.
  • Pentex is a shadow corporation with its fingers in every pie it can think of. It taints everything it touches, all beneath a veneer of "business as usual". Oil spills are just a "part of business", not part of a master plan to corrupt the world. Violent video games and movies are there just to satisfy the demands of customers, not to corrupt the hearts and minds of the young. Pharmaceuticals with soul-crushing side-effects are hailed as miracle cures. Pentex has one true purpose: to bring on the Apocalypse and then step in as the savior; to be church and corporation all in one.

Unwitting servants

  • The Yama Kings: The Yama Kings are a spiritual phenomenon of the Middle Kingdom. Rogue elements of the Celestial Bureaucracy, the Yama Kings seem to overlap with the Wyrm (they are certainly in a close alliance); however, their actual goals differ. While the "Centipede" strives to undo the Wheel of Ages, the Yama Kings want to trap it in stasis during the Sixth Age. Their methods often reek of Wyrm-taint, but the exact relation is often dependent on the Yama King in question.
  • Vampires: The descendants of Caine are creatures of the Wyrm in that they are creatures of darkness cursed by God to feed on the blood of humans. Regardless of a vampire's Path of Enlightenment, the Garou will sense the taint of the Wyrm within any vampire they encounter, save for the most humane (Humanity 7+). Of course, a lack of Wyrm taint is not going to give the Garou reasons to be friendly toward a leech.
  • Demons: The Fallen are creatures of the Wyrm in that they are creatures, condemned by God, who now hail from the Abyss.
  • Mummies: The Reborn see themselves as striving toward the cosmic balance Ma'at, but they're unholy creatures that have cheated death through a foul ritual that tricked the Wyrm of Balance into allowing them to exist in their accursed state. The Undying may be the most unwitting servants of the Wyrm, even lacking Wyrm-taint, but they exist outside of the natural order of Gaia and serve as minions of powerful entities dwelling in the Dark Umbra.
  • Humans: Many mortal humans aid the Wyrm through their everyday actions in furthering the destruction, corruption, or perversion of human society and the natural world. The vast majority of these Wyrm agents have no idea that any such spiritual principle exists.
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The Primogen's



whitewolf.fandom.com's quote and links:


Pentexis a multi-national megacorporation, one of the largest in the world, which is alsotaintedby theWyrm. Its main agenda is the spiritual, moral, and environmental corruption of the planet. It is the main tool on Earth of theDefiler Wyrmand one of the most implacable foes of theGarou


Originally an oil and mining company, Pentex is now a holding company with a host of subsidiaries covering every industry. Its paper trails are labyrinthine and its directives subtle; few Garou are aware of its true nature, and fewer still have any idea how to combat it.

Pentex has near limitless supernatural resources as well, employing Banes, Black Spiral Dancers, Fomori and, if the rumors are true, even a few Kindred in upper management positions. But while the corporation is certainly tainted, many of its operations further the Wyrm's goals without supernatural assistance through the standard practices of big business. Such schemes are perpetrated by normal humans who are "just doing their jobs," corrupted by nothing more than apathy and despair.


Pentex began its existence as Premium Oil, under a man named Jeremiah Lassater, in 1865. He was a ruthless bastard, imitating contemporaries such as Rockefeller, Morgan, and Reynolds. While personally inspecting a drilling site where several accidents had occurred, Lassater became trapped in an excavated tunnel. Years before, the Uktena had imprisoned a tremendous Bane there; now, the thing engaged Lassater in a psychic battle of wills. While the Wyrm-creature couldn't dominate Lassater, it was capable of killing him. Lassater bargained for his life, promising that the Wyrm minion could work through him to influence the development of Premium Oil. The creature agreed, and the company began its long, dark descent.

Lassater shaped Premium into a powerful and wealthy corporation, capable of giving even Rockefeller's monolithic Standard Oil competition. But the old man couldn't maintain control over the giant he'd spawned. Gradually, Lassater cut himself off from the company, and after contracting syphilis, committed suicide. He left the reins of command to his son Jacob, an incompetent playboy. Apparently, the forces above weren't pleased; Jacob died in a yachting accident soon after. Colin Jenner, a major shareholder, followed Jacob as company president in 1913. He convinced other top shareholders to form a board of five directors to oversee the company. Jenner was himself influenced by the same Wyrm creature that had corrupted Lassater; he was mildly surprised to discover that several of the other board members also had dealings with the Wyrm.

Jenner only lasted until 1917 when he died in a tragic, fiery automobile accident. Board member Fulton Clark replaced him; soon after, a pack of Black Spiral Dancers approached Clark about an alliance, explaining that he was Kinfolk and should help them out. Clark was no fool; he saw the advantage of such allies and gladly let several of the Spirals take over key positions. A similar partnership ensued with certain elements within the Sabbat in 1947, again at the behest of Clark, an act that put Harold Zettler on the board of directors. This was Clark's last action; he died in an oil fire while touring drilling sites in the Mediterranean. Peter Culliford was elected the new chairman, a position he still holds today.

Pentex Subsidiaries



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from the Angel tv show:

Lilah Morgan threatening people for 1 minute and 20 seconds


The focus of this thread will be Werewolf the Apocalypse related.   More fleshed out details of Vampire: The Masquerade's Sabbat, Mage the Ascension's Nephandi, Changeling the Dreaming's Unseelie, and other creatures will exceed the scope of this thread.   To keep this to certain load times and ability to be navigated, I'll have to weave this through more than just this thread.

That said, let's also bring up the fact that Pentex has Artificial Intelligence well beyond ChatGPT.   It has developed robots, androids, and other items never placed in the original 1990s version of the game.   AI isn't as hard to make, when you have Banes at your disposal, especially those made from Corrupted net-spiders.   It's just a matter of making an interface point to be able to interact with the web or an artificial body.

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from the Angel tv show:

Angel, Holland Manners, Humanity & the Concept of Evil.

We'll use WTA's cosmology in this thread, but the total picture is far more complicated.  Garou beliefs date back to the stone ages.   What they see within the Umbra is reflected through that prism.  As explained in WTA's Umbra the Velvet Shadow and MTA's Book of Worlds, the Garou see Umbral reality through their own paradigm.     

Most employees of Pentex were raised within the scope of the world's major religions.   As explained in WTA's Umbra the Velvet Shadow and MTA's Book of Worlds, the majority of Pentex employees see these Umbral realities through the paradigm they were raised in.     

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from the Angel tv show:

Angel - Lilah Morgan cuts Linwood Murrow's head off

Pentex is willing to tolerate some failure.  That said, it will not hesitate to kill off underperforming employees or sell off useless companies.  The hydra grows for a reason. 

It also rewards success.   Greed and Vanity allowing its pawns to reach without ever considering ethical considerations.

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from the Angel tv show:

Lilah returns to offer Angel Wolfram and Hart

Pentex is very effective at buying out its rivals.  When it can't get defeat them directly, it can apply political or legal pressure.  When legal means isn't enough, Pentex Security teams, Assassins, Formori teams, Black Spiral Dancer packs and other means are readily available.

Pentex will always tempt a target or their family if they can.   There is nothing more the Defiler Wyrm loves more than corrupting an enemy. 



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from the Angel tv show:

Wolfram & Hart Corporate Training Video


Pentex employees are well compensated.  They often are paid above standard wages for any profession and have above average benefits.  Supernatural means are used to motivate and keep Employees, the vast majority of which would never believe their Pentex Subsidiary was anything other than a standard job. 


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from the Angel tv show:

Angel - Heroes don't accept the world the way it is

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The Maple Table's




whitewolf.fandom.com's quote and links:


The fomori are created when a Bane possesses a human or an animal via a spiritual "hole" left by some form of sin or spiritual corruption. The Bane will slowly gain more and more influence, until they are completely fused with the host and cannot be separated. Fomori powers vary wildly, but are usually based strongly on the type of possessing Bane and/or their method of creation. For example, a typical Bane of Lust will result in a type of fomor known as an Enticer.

Fomori may have some connection to Fomorians. However, the most common (although hardly the only) method of Bane infection is via Pentex; either through employment or usage of its omnipresent products, an unwitting individual can open themselves to possession. Their Gaian counterparts are called Kami, while the Weaver ones are called Drones and those of the Wyld are Gorgons.

Types of Fomori

An unusually potent fomor is referred to as a fomarch, while an unusually twisted fomor is referred to as a fomorach. There are also special breeds of fomori. Here are some examples:

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