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Jessica Jones - Kilgrave Briefly Turns Purple





Brain Eaters are created under the aegis of Project Aeneid, the newest offering from Pentex’s Special Projects Division, combining Project Iliad with Project Odyssey (which awakens psychics' mental gifts).

Project Aeneid binds a special type of Bane known as a Mind Feeder into the psychic. The newly created fomor gains power in his psychic abilities and is able to force hallucinations onto others' minds, but must feed upon normal human brains at least once a week or begin to suffer (Taint: Addiction to brain eating). Using her mind powers also comes at a cost, often draining her physical capabilities (Taint: Physical Wasting).

Brain Eaters are the newest project undertaken by the Special Projects Division, and as such, they are completely untested, Psychics are rare to begin with and those who can tolerate the change into a fomor are rarer still. Pentex has no desire to waste all its psychics on a project that may prove to a failure. The first fomori from Project Aeneid are just now becoming ready for field testing.


As would be obvious, formori are nearly universally detectable through the right gifts or means.

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Suicide Squad - Killer Croc Introduction




This is because the Ferectoi are perfect creations of the Wyrm’s will. Ferectoi are pre-natal fomori, conceived in a twisted mockery of natural reproduction and born already twisted by the will of the Corrupter. No Ferectoi was ever seduced or enticed into the Wyrm’s service; they were made to be what they are, one and all.

The Ferectoi know it. They’re arrogant, self-assured creatures; mostly raised by powerful servants of the Wyrm such as Pentex executives, Wyrmish mages, or relatively “stable” Black Spiral families, and are well aware of their birthright. They burn with a desire to hasten the Apocalypse and bring about a world where they can display their superiority openly.


The use of head bombs has become standardized with Fomori, when possible (Freak Legion).  Some breeds can simply remove it (example: https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Hollow_Men ).

Hollow Men are the oldest recorded fomori breed.


The Hollow Men were first recorded during the age of the Roman Empire on the British Isles. The Fianna believed that they were the creations of Wyrm-corrupted druids. Aligned with the Defiler Wyrm, they are among his most valuable servants in the quest to conquer Gaia. Several of them were also active in wyrmish organizations like the Seventh Generation.

Hollow Men are created when a Scavenger Pack bane drives its associated animal to overtake a fresh corpse or a person in the process of dying. The body needs to be completely hollowed out. Once the body is merely skin, the possession is complete. Since they can live for extremely long times, one Hollow Man can be a formidable enemy. In recent times, these fomori are rumored to have begun to associate with each other to actively create more of their kind, something that troubles the Garou.


A Hollow Man can only pass for human at a distance or in poor light. Up close, it becomes clear that they have no eyes, teeth, or tongue. Their skin rustles and surges with the motions of the colony within, and occasionally a member of that colony will peek out through an available orifice, or crawl across the surface of the Hollow Man's skin. Despite their mutilations, Hollow Men are still able to perceive the world and to speak, although their voices are the modulated buzzing of hornets, or the chorused hiss of serpents.

Hollow Men can consist of several types of vermin. Observed are hornets, rats, poisonous spiders, snakes, roaches, and constrictors, but several more are implied to exist.

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The Best of King Shark | The Suicide Squad (2021)

Some new breeds have been made to go to environments humans can't normally go.   Some are already being designed for use on other planets in our solar system.

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The Maple Table's



whitewolf.fandom.com's quote and links:


Siren Cosmetics is a Pentex subsidiary.


Siren Cosmetics is known for the creation of the fomori known as Enticers. Their motto is that they give you "the best of all possible faces."

By giving away special "hypoallergenic" supply of makeup or cologne to winners of a yearly contest. The winners receive a one-year supply of cosmetics that are guaranteed to attract the opposite sex. The truth is, the cosmetics change both the physical and mental perceptions of the "winner," seducing the individual into a false sense of happiness; the human wearing these cosmetics will indeed attract the opposite sex, but only due to the unique glands that start covering the wearer's body within a matter of a few days.

By the end of the metamorphosis, the winners of the yearly contest are completely different from what they used to be be. Physically they are addicted to the cosmetics, no only for the pleasure they continue to bring, but as their very life's blood.

The CEO and founder of the Company is Madame Paris. She has purchased Pangloss Cosmetics to be a subsidiary of Siren Cosmetics.

Siren Products


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Jennifer's Body




Due to the success of Siren's Cosmetics and its massively increased distribution of makeup through thousands of new contests and via influencers, Enticers are one of the most prolific of breeds.  Those working with Syndicate groups have been known to use technoscience created fragrances to boost themselves beyond the normal Enticer template.


The Night Cap with Stacy Rumaker's

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The Fly (1986) - Trailer

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Blade 2 Vampire




It is incredibly difficult for a Bane to possess a vampire. One of the few opportunities are Frenzies. If a Thirster manages to slip into a vampires being during this period, he offers several benefits at first. The vampire can double his blood pool and become more resilient, but in time, the vampire automatically fails her Humanity rolls and becomes more and more prone to Frenzy, until she is lost in Wassail. The ensuring Wight is then a vehicle for the Thirster, who modifies it to suit its purposes. Her fangs disappear as the Bane repurposes her tongue into a far more effective blood-drinking tool in the form of a three-foot-long jointed siphon ending in a deadly sharp needle, which folds up in the throat when not in use. The vampire’s skin turns deep red, and glistens with a thin layer of bloody lubrication. Her limbs wither into corpselike sticks, and after about six months, fall off entirely. The vampire’s torso elongates into a fleshy sack designed to store blood, while her pupils grow to take up almost the entirety of her eyes. Muscular, rasp-like bands line the underside of the torso, allowing the vampire to move with terrifying speed through muscular contraction, and even to ooze up walls and across ceilings.

Fortunately for both Garou and Cainites, Bloodworms are incredibly rare and often live relatively short unlives.


Harold Zettler's Special Products division is continuing to come out with improvements 



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Banes run the full gamut from weak and relatively harmless to hideously powerful creatures capable of rending reality around them. Weak Banes are frequently used to infect humans and animals, turning them into fomori.

More powerful Banes can completely possess their host, obliterating all traces of their previous personality. These Banes can also materialize in the real world, without needing to possess a host. They will simply manifest horrible twisted versions of their spiritual form in the real world and go about their business.

There are many different types of Banes; some of the more notable varieties include:

  • Bitter Rages - exist for the sole purpose of driving Garou mad. They feed on Rage, and in turn they fuel that Rage, pushing their prey into frenzies of ever-increasing proportions. In many ways, they are the spiritual equivalent of a rabies attack.
  • Drattosi - are hideous creatures that live in huge radioactive pits within the Umbra. They act like gigantic mockeries of antlions, preying on whatever Umbral traveler is unfortunate enough to stumble into their mephitic traps.
  • Dream Makers - these Banes served to create the world, working as servants of both the Weaver and the Wyld. What exists now is but a faint echo of the power these dark spirits once represented, the power to shape an entire universe at the whims of their masters.
  • Elemental Banes - these Wyrmish elementals mirror the traditional four elements in corrupted form: toxin (water), smog (air), sludge (earth), and balefire (fire). Balefire banes are the most feared as they can produce horrible mutations in creatures that come in contact with them.
  • Grey Masses - life grows even in the face of death, a part of an endless cycle that isn’t meant to change, but Gray Masses are different.
  • The Maeljin Incarna - the 13 demon lords of Malfeas, the Maeljin Incarna each serve one of the heads of the Hydra. Each is more hideous than the last. Fortunately they are generally found only in Malfeas, so Garou are unlikely to ever encounter them directly... at least until the Apocalypse comes and they ride out at the front of the armies of the Wyrm. The Maeljin Incarna are easily capable of destroying entire septs of Garou by themselves.
  • Nexus Crawlers - these powerful creatures warp reality around them like Silly Putty. Reality literally melts around them. They are one of the most powerful Wyrm-spirits Garou are ever likely to encounter... and many Garou never live to tell of such encounters.
  • Ooralath - mindless Banes for the most part, the Ooralath are nonetheless adept hunters. They almost always attack with the tactical advantage, outnumbering their prey and striking from cover.
  • Phantasmi - an unfortunate few of the damned once-humans suffer a greater agony when they die under Garou talons. For them, the Corrupter has a special fate in mind: a destiny of pain and revenge.
  • Psychomachiae - are powerful banes that feed on carnage and death. They often possess weak-willed humans and send them on killing sprees. They may also subtly whisper into the ear of their targets, encouraging them to engage in ever more brutal acts. Many callous vampires unwittingly attract psychomachiae, due to their brutal feeding habits.
  • Scrags - these are warrior banes covered in chitinous armor. They frequently run in packs and will actively hunt creatures of Gaia.
  • Scryers - are a weak type of Bane whose only apparent purpose is to spy on targets for stronger Banes.
  • The Souleaters - entities which can infect anyone and transmit through Vicissitude or Sanguinus.
  • Wyrmholes - these rare Banes are an acute danger, for they can birth Banes into the material world by the dozen, releasing the newly physical spirits of pure malice






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