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5E DND Demographics, Farming, Basic Land Economics, Taxation, and Nobility

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Wealthy Houses of Ill Repute


A town can support one Wealthy House of Ill Repute.  A normal city can support up to three.   Each is built and maintained at a cost of three trade houses.

Wealthy Houses of Ill Repute employee 20 male courtesans, 20 female courtesans, 1 Manager, 4 Bouncers, 10 Guards, and 5 Waitresses, all skilled workers for a cost of 120 gold per night, plus the 30 gold per night maintenance rate.

Each Courtesan is rented for their time at a rate if 10 gold per hour.   During their 12 hour workday, each will spend a minimum of 8 hours thus employed.  Courtesans who can't book at this rate are simply let go, after all most rapidly get booked up with clients having to reserve a spot up to a week in advance to spend time with such an escort.   This works out to an average daily take of 3,200 gold per day.

When not actively employed inside or outside of the club, they normally hang out in the drinking area of the club while on duty meeting other potential clients.    If not doing so they might be freshening up from their last gig. 

Drinks are another money maker, the bell curve has the cheapest customers spending 2 silver 50% (10 gold) and the big spenders dropping 20 gold each 50% (1,000 gold).  This is also calculated after costs, there is more in sales, but the other sales are figured into the cost of food and drink.

Ale Mug 4 copper

Ale Gallon 2 silver

Champagne Bottle 10 Gold

Coffee Mug  4 Copper

Common Wine Bottle 2 silver

Fine Wine Bottle 10 gold

Fine Hard Drink 10 gold per glass

Hard Drink Common 1 gold per glass

Hard Cider Mug 4 copper

Hard Cider Gallon 2 silver

Mead Mug 4 copper

Mead Gallon 2 silver

Tea Mug  4 Copper

Water Mug 4 Copper


The operation will take an average of 4,210 gold per night x 365 nights per year for 1,563,650 gold annually.   The taxes are 156,265 per year with an equal amount going to the guild.   This leaves 1,229,320 gold minus the 150 gold per night operating cost x 365 for 54,750, thus the total possible profit of 1,174,570 gold per year.

The actual profit will be (60% + 1d8 x 5% of what is listed) accounting for the owners profit after all the fixed expenses above.   Taxes and guild dues do not change do to the fickleness of business.

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Aristocratic Houses of Ill Repute


A city can support one Aristocratic House of Ill Repute.  Each is built and maintained at a cost of ten trade houses.  These must be approved by the local lord, Duchy or the Kingdom's Royalty.

Aristocratic Houses of Ill Repute employee 20 male courtesans, 20 female courtesans, 1 Manager, 4 Bouncers, 20 Guards, and 10 Waitresses, all skilled workers for a cost of 150 gold per night, plus the 100 gold per night maintenance rate.

Each Courtesan is rented for their time at a rate of 50 gold per hour.   During their 12 hour workday, each will spend a minimum of 8 hours thus employed.  Courtesans who can't book at this rate are simply let go, after all most rapidly get booked up with clients having to reserve a spot up to a week in advance to spend time with such an escort.   This works out to an average daily take of 16,000 gold per day.

When not actively employed inside or outside of the club, they normally hang out in the drinking area of the club while on duty meeting other potential clients.    If not doing so they might be freshening up from their last gig. 

Drinks are another money maker, the bell curve has the cheapest customers spending 20 gold each 50% (1,000 gold) and the big spenders dropping 100 gold each 50% (5,000 gold).  This is also calculated after costs, there is more in sales, but the other sales are figured into the cost of food and drink.

Aged Famous Wine Bottle 100 Gold

Aged Famous Spirit Bottle 100 Gold

Ale Mug 4 Copper

Ale Gallon 2 Silver

Champagne Bottle 10 Gold

Coffee Mug  4 Copper

Common Wine Bottle 2 Silver

Elite Champagne Bottle 10 Gold

Fancy Coffee (think Starbucks) 1 Gold

Fancy Tea (think Starbucks) 1 Gold

Fine Wine Bottle 10 gold

Fine Hard Drink 10 gold per glass

Hard Drink Common 1 gold per glass

Hard Cider Mug 4 copper

Hard Cider Gallon 2 silver

Mead Mug 4 copper

Mead Gallon 2 silver

Tea Mug  4 Copper

Water Mug 4 Copper


Aristocratic   22,000 gold per day    x 365 days = 8,030,000 gold per year  803,000 gold per year in tax and an equal amount to guild fees.  This leaves 6,424,000 gold annually.  The operation cost is 250 gold x 365 day for 91,250 gold annually.  This leaves a potential profit of  6,332,750 gold.


The actual profit will be (60% + 1d8 x 5% of what is listed) accounting for the owners profit after all the fixed expenses above.   Taxes and guild dues do not change do to the fickleness of business.

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Here are the Basics of the Average Barony.    The Barony will have of 4 villages and 1 town.   This keeps the water tables full and forestry for hunting high.

Each Barony will have 5,000 people.   That's 4,500 regular humans and 500 adventurer classed people.

The average human has an average 10 in each stat.  They have an AC of 10.   They have 4 hit points.  They will have a background that leads into their survival or profession.

500 adventures works out to 300 Fighters, 100 Rogue Types and 100 of the other classes.  These are those that work and reside in said Barony.


300 - 1st level potential adventurers (D rank or Copper rank)   60%

150 - 2nd through 4th level adventurers (C rank or Silver rank)  30%

30 - 5th through 8th level adventurers (B rank or Electrum rank)  6%

14 - 9th through 12th level adventurers (A rank or Gold rank) 2.8%%

5 - 13 through 16th level adventurers (AA rank or Platinum rank)  1%

1 - 17th through 19th level adventurer (S rank or Mithril rank) 0.2%


This leaves a potential 500 people for the Baron or Baroness to call upon in time of need.

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Barony Taxation


Barons collect taxes on behalf of the Crown, getting to keep half for local needs.   The Baron or Baroness collects to give to the Count or Countess half.  The Count or Countess collect to give to the Duke or Duchess half.  The Duke or Duchess collect to give to the King or Queen half.   If the Kingdom is a vassal state it must do so yet again as tribute to an Empire.


Here's the breakdown of the average farming Barony, if one does not have a mine.

The farming villages will bring in 34,857 gold and 5 silver each, just from the 270 farmers that have no further taxation.  This is a total of 139,430 gold.   It is also enough food for 15,280 people leaving food for 10,280 people feed those visiting or trading in the Barony.   It also has excess that is exported to the County, the Dutchy or foreign ports for trade.  This excess will be vital for the survival of cities of the County, Duchy, and Kingdom.

There is a straight income tax for the skilled and unskilled works for 200 work days per year.  Those days worked beyond that are not taxed.

Villages are assumed to have about 50 Unskilled Laborers and 50 Skilled Laborers (200 total each over 4 villages).  The town are assumed to have about 1,200 Unskilled workers and 1,200 skilled workers.  

Unskilled Labor 1,400 x 4 gold per year = 4,800 gold

Skilled Labor 1,400 x 40 gold per year = 48,000 gold

This brings in 52,800 gold per year to the Duchy through income tax.   This is a total of 192,230 gold so far.


Transported trade taxation

The Barony's Wagon Caravans bring in an average  51,574 gold and 5 silver per year each.  As there are 7 per Barony this adds up to 361,021 gold and 5 silver.   This brings the total to 553,251 gold and 5 silver.

30 town Coaches pay 157 gold 8 silver and 6 copper in taxes each for 4,735 gold and 8 silver each.  This brings the total to 557,987 gold and 3 silver.


Villages have 3 stores each for 12 total.   The town will have 30 stores (42 total).   At a taxation rate of 7,032 gold per store this works out to be 295,334 gold.    This brings the total to 853,331 gold and 3 silver.

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Barony Taxation continued


Each village can support 200 horses worth of stabling (800 total).  The town supports 2,000 horses stabled (2,800 total).   At a tax rate of 313 gold and 9 silver per 20 horses annually this works out to 313.9 x 140 for 43,946 annually.  This brings the total to 897,227 gold and 3 silver.

Villages will have an average of 1 Modest Tavern.  Towns will have 10 Modest Taverns (14 total).  Each pays 5,438.5 gold per year in tax for 76,139.

This brings the total to 973,366 gold and 3 silver.

Villages will have an average of 1 comfortable Tavern.  Towns will have 10 comfortable taverns (14 total).  Each pays 17,009 gold per year in tax for 238,126 gold annually.  This brings the total to 1,211,492 gold and 3 silver.

Towns will have 2 Wealthy taverns.  Each pays 39,785 gold per year in tax for 79,570 gold annually.   This brings the total to 1,291,062 gold and 3 silver.

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Barony Taxation continued

Villages will have 1 Modest Inn.  Towns will have 10 Modest Inns (14 total).  Each pays 821.25 gold per year is owed in taxes for 11,497 gold and 5 silver annually.  This brings the total to 1,302,559 gold and 8 silver.

Villages will have an average of 1 Comfortable Inn.  Towns will have 10 Comfortable Inns (14 each).   Each pays 1,314 gold per year in taxes for 18,396 gold annually.  This brings the total to 1,320,955 gold and 8 silver.

Towns can have 2 Wealthy Inns each.  Each has 7,300 gold per year in taxes for 14,600 gold annually.  This brings the total to 1,335,555 gold and 8 silver.

Villages will have an average of 1 Laundry and Bath.  Towns will have 10 Laundry and Baths (14 total).  They pay 1,350.5 gold per year in taxes for 18,907 gold annually.  This brings the total to 1,354,462 gold and 8 silver.

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Barony Taxation continued

A town can support two Comfortable Gaming Houses.  The taxes are 19,929 per year for 39,858 per year.  This brings the total to 1,394,320 gold and 8 silver.

A town can support one Wealthy Gaming House.  The taxes are 84,150 per year.  This brings the total to 1,478,470 gold and 8 silver.

A town can support one Comfortable Houses of Ill Repute.  The taxes are 27,740 per year.  This brings the total to 1,506,210 gold and 8 silver.

A town can support one Wealthy House of Ill Repute.  The taxes are 156,265 per year.  This brings the total to 1,662,475 gold and 8 silver.



Just looking at basics, the low end of a Barony should take in 1,662,475 gold and 8 silver per year.   The Barony keeps 831,237 Gold and 9 Silver for its budget will sending the same amount to the Crown via the County above it.

If a County has nothing extra it would acquire the full amount of 1,662,475 gold and 8 silver for the Barony area controlled by the Count or Countess.   The 9 other Baronies would send 831,237 Gold and 9 silver each.  The County would take in 9,143,616 Gold and 9 silver.  The County keeps 4,571,808 Gold, 4 Silver and 5 Copper for its budget will sending the same amount to the Crown via the Duchy above it.

If a Duchy has nothing extra it would acquire the full amount of 9,143,616 Gold and 9 silver for the County area controlled by the Duke or Duchess.   The 9 other Counties would send It keeps 4,571,808 Gold, 4 Silver and 5 Copper each.  The County would take in 50,289,892 Gold, 9 silver and 5 Copper.  The Duchy keeps 25,144,946 Gold, 4 Silver and 7 Copper for its budget will sending the same amount to the King or Queen.


Baronies with Mines will have more money, but produce less food.   Feudal Lords that invest in transportation or other businesses will have additional sources of income as well.  Cities and Metropolises will also collect a lot more in taxes. 


It should be noted, no noble lord below a King or Queen can turn in less than the expected normal tax.   Lords and Ladies are expected to make up the difference themselves if their lands lose money.

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Let's look at the possible traffic moving between the town and villages within the Barony, as well as that traveling through.


Each village has a Modest and Comfortable Inn.   This leaves each village with 90 Beds for 90-180 visitors.   One should note that 50 of those 90 beds will be taken up on any given night by traveling Wagon trains.    Guards will normally be split 30 to the Modest Inn and 10 to the Comfortable Inn (along with the 10 wagon drivers.)


Each town has 10 Modest Inns, 10 Comfortable Inns and 2 Wealth Inns.   This gives 990 bed capacity, with at least 450 beds being taken up by at least seven wagon trains in the city.   Keep in mind, there will be wagon traffic from the Counties and Duchy that will be beyond the trains that are for the Barony only.

Note: Mounted Guards for Airships, Ships, Traveling Carriages, and Wagon Trains are not counted against the 10% of adventurers native to a Barony.  They are people predictably moving through it rather than residents.  Other mobile adventurers and armies also do not count against these native numbers.

Breaking down the potential adventurers.

300 - 1st level potential adventurers (D rank or Copper rank)   180 will be fighters    

150 - 2nd through 4th level adventurers (C rank or Silver rank)  90 will be fighters

30 - 5th through 8th level adventurers (B rank or Electrum rank)  18 will be fighters

14 - 9th through 12th level adventurers (A rank or Gold rank)   9 will be fighters

5 - 13 through 16th level adventurers (AA rank or Platinum rank)  3 will be fighters

1 - 17th through 19th level adventurer (S rank or Mithril rank)  They are 60% likely to be a fighter. 

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At the standard 50% manning each Barony supports 5,000 people (500) per village x4 and 3,000 from the town.   This would be a system able to support 180 people in warfare.    A Barony at 100% manning would have twice the military capacity, businesses, and economic power.

At the standard 50% manning, each County can support 50,000 people and 1,800 troops in warfare.  A County at 100% manning would have twice the military capacity, businesses, and economic power.

At a standard 50% manning, each Duchy can support 500,000 people and 18,000 troops in warfare.  A Duchy at 100% manning would have twice the military capacity, businesses, and economic power.

Non human villages often exist in the Barony system, as many human nations favor trade with demi-humans and friendly non humans.  They would be taxed as normal.   Dwarves and Gnomes often form miner villages.  Halflings and elves often prefer farming communities.

When adding the system into homebrew, you should calculate the nobility by total population minus the population in the largest Forgotten Realms Cities.    The First Duchy will belong to the King and Queen and have the Capital as its city.   The economic power and number of businesses from these large cities will be equal to what is listed per 12,500 residents, rounded up.

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