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Gehenna Layer 4:
Krangath, also known as theDead Furnace,[1]was the fourth layer ofGehenna.[2]It contained thedivine realmofShargaas.[3][4]
Unlike the other three layers of Gehenna, Krangath was completely devoid of any volcanic activity. Although the rock composing the slopes was volcanic in origin, the layer had been extinct for at least several millennia by the mid‒14thcenturyDR.[2][3]
Not only geologically dead, the layer was also devoid of any other signs of life. There was no wind, no source of light or heat, and no natural sounds. The only pervasive smell was that of brimstone. The only times wind blew on the slopes were when an occasionalportalshifted the air. The only sounds heard were distant footsteps of visitors.[3]The layer's rarepetitionerskept very quiet for fear of being discovered by its residinglichlord.[2]
Geographical Features
The only inhabitable locations throughout Krangath were subterranean caves that provided some protection against the intense cold. Since nothing could survive on the surface, the cave systems were violently disputed among the layer's inhabitants.[3]
Notable Locations
- Hopelorn, a city inhabited by liches and otherundeadspellcasters.[2]
- TheNight Below, realm ofShargaasthe Night Lord.[3][4]
- Melif, a lich lord who conducted research on life, death, and being in his stronghold of Hopelorn.[2]